2/10/2016 Board Minutes

February 10, 2016 Meeting of PRRLOA


The meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by President John Salsbury.


Board Members present John Salsbury, Pat LeRoy, John Dustin, and Susan McLaughlin.


January Minutes were sent out by email, reviewed and approved .


Treasurers Report read by Pat LeRoy. Balance in the winter account is $ 4,766.61  Balance in the general account $ 26,278.28.


Old Business:

Snow Removal: Neil’s excavation has done a good job with snow removal. Communication with them has been good. There will be deep slush as the weather melts the snow. We will wait and let it melt instead of paying to have it removed.

WM bridge damage, Pat LeRoy has taken pictures of the bridge damage, attempted to call WM, and sent a certified letter to them without response. The railing was damaged and neighborhood evergreen garland destroyed. It has been over a month since the incident. The board feels that we will need to contact the Secretary of State if we do not have a response.

Gomer Culvert: The landowner said that he would be coming from Arizona to check on the culvert and property. If we have a big snow melt ,the water from the clogged culvert will flood the road by the bridge and damage it. We will monitor this situation, then be prepared to reroute the water if needed.

Notice Board: the notice board has arrived. As the weather improves and the snow melts the board will be installed.

New Business:  We will all be prepared to deal with any situations as the snow melts.

Review of budget: the proposed budget for the 2O16 year was reviewed and discussed.  The final budget and financial statement will be mailed to all landowners. The motion was passed that documents are ready to be mailed.


Date of next meeting is March 9, 2016


Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm