11/11/2015 Board Minutes

November 11, 2015 Monthly meeting of PRRLOA

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm on November 11, 2015 by president John Salsbury.


Board Members present John Salsbury , Shane French, John Dustin, Pat LeRoy and Susan McLaughlin.

Minutes of October approved.

Treasurer’s report read and approved.  $15,402.98 in General Account. $2660.19 in winter account.

Old Business:


Fall Road Grading: Bryan Enns graded the road from the bridge to the Y for $ 750, saving us money. Fall grading appears to be necessary in the future to maintain the road. We will have to budget grading twice a year. Shane French would like to present paving the road at the annual meeting. We will have to present a budget.  Discussion ensued about surface options.  We will get quotes for road maintenance.


Culvert clogged by Lots #1 & 2, the water levels have risen. The flooding will affect the road. We will find out who owns the culvert and have them clean it. John Dustin will investigate who owns the culvert. Upper Ludwig culvert will be installed in the spring with spring road work by CRG. $1400.00 for that culvert installation has been quoted. Culverts we have already put in; the one at the bottom of Ludwig will have to be cleaned out every year when the grading is being done.


Snow Removal:  Last month we asked snow removal bidders to make sure they plowed by 6-7:00 am and keep driveways open. PAP and Neils Excavation have bids to consider.  PAP has lowered their bid. It was voted to accept their bid. A run through needs to be done before they plow.  Shane will follow up and get a contract and ride through to clarify expectations.  PAP email: PAP.llc14@gmail.com  if you want your driveway plowed.


Pond: No changes on the pond. The level has dropped . River is down. We will wait until the spring. If the level in the pond drops low enough we will repair this fall.  Weed control at the pond will be put into budget. Multiple spraying treatments $1098.00.


Bulletin board:  Shane French has sent some plans. We will initiate the project when time permits. John Dustin and Shane French have volunteered their time to work on this project.


Bridge Bid:  John Salsbury and John Dustin met with CRG about repairing the bridge: the bid was high at $ 24,OOO.  We will acquire other bids. John Dustin proposed we rebuild the retaining wall ourselves or contract out ourselves .We have a lot of river rock to use.  John Salsbury will contact Crossfire and Click.


New Business:


Liens: Pat needs to file new liens . We approved the need to refile liens.

Spring Road Grading: we have the bid so Pat can put together the budget.


Beavers:  Pat LeRoy reports that Ken has to cleanout the ditches daily due to beavers clogging the ditches. John Dustin will help eliminate the beavers.


Hazard Mitigation Grant: the fire department sent us paperwork to file a grant to eliminate the center abutment on the bridge.


Assessments: Pat LeRoy reports that the Annual Assessments will be sent out in December.


Meeting Adjourned at 8: O3pm.


Next meeting will be December 9,2O15 at 7:OOpm at Pat LeRoy’s home.