10/14/2015 Board Minutes

October 14, 2015 Meeting of PRRLOA


The Meeting was called to order by President John Salsbury at 6:55 pm. Board members present : John Salsbury,  John Dustin, Shane French, Susan McLaughlin. Pat LeRoy was absent due to illness.


Treasurers Report:          $16,2O5.74 in General Account.

Winter Account $ 2,659.97    Approved.


Minutes Approved from September.


Old Business:

Pond: Richard Diederich reported pond was low. We need the pond lower to work on it. Bentonite will be applied when low enough. John Salsbury mowed around the pond.

Bridge: CRG construction has been busy and unable to get back to John about bridge work. Will postpone until spring as it is getting late in the year.

Snow Removal Bids. We received three bids. We need to clarify specifics with them in order to approve. We need the roads cleared by 6:OO- 7:OO am the morning of a snowstorm and driveways left open.

Notice Board Renovation: John Dustin examined and recommends that we leave the base metal pipes, tack on metal frame, then cover with roof. John Salsbury has extra roofing material. John Salsbury would like to see plans. John Dustin drew out plans.

Upper Ludwig Culvert : CRG construction will do it when they are in the neighborhood when working on the road. We voted to postpone work on the culvert until the annual road work is conducted in the spring. This will save homeowners money if we do all projects at one time.

Weed control by pond. Pat has two bids for weed control. We will follow up on this in the spring.

LPEA brush piles: Susan McLaughlin will contact them.

Internet: John Salsbury reported that he has been in contact with Century link in regard to faster internet. Century Link has received a grant for rural internet. They will have a meeting to determine who and when gets the upgrade for faster internet.


New Business:

Complaint filed regarding Lot 73, do ponds require engineering documents ? We will refer him to the county. John Salsbury will reply to the letter.

Beavers: Pat LeRoy reported beavers on Lots 1 &2. Ken LeRoy cleaned out culverts . Lyle Willmarth may trap .

Potholes by bridge: Shane French recommends grading.  Shane will get bids for road work from bridge to the intersection of Ludwig and PRR.  We will conduct work if it is at a reasonable price.

John Dustin and Shane French proposed we present the option of paving from the bridge to the intersection at the annual meeting.

Duck Spring Trail grading down to Lot 55:  We will access road condition.

Next meeting scheduled November 11, 2O15.


Meeting Adjourned 7:59 pm