Minutes – PRRLOA Board Meeting – 9 April 2024




  1. The meeting was called to order at 5:33 PM by Dan Holloway.

Board Members in attendance: Dan Holloway, Angie Pommier, Florian Walchak, Barb Wickman      

Guests:  Duane Nelson

Florian handed out and reviewed the Treasurer’s Repot. The General Account Balance is about $36,000, and the Reserve Account balance is about $17,600.

Florian recently paid $4000 to Leeder Construction, $6,171 to D&S Construction for work at the bridge, and $32.98 for the website. We had one payment of annual dues ($600) bounce for insufficient funds, but Florian will get that repaid by the landowner. Florian also moved $4000 from the General Fund to the Reserve Fund.

We still need to pay D&S Construction another $6,171 and expect our invoice from Goff Engineering to be in the range of $3000 to $3500.

Planned road work will cost approximately $16,000. We may be able to put another $1000-$2000 into pothole repair.

Discussion was held regarding the website. Florian had found that we were paying for a storage site online that we are not using and he cancelled it, which will save $14/month. He has been unable to upload .pdf documents so Barb will need to provide Word documents for posting online. She will also ask some other users if our WordPress site ought to take pdfs. Dan said he would contact a professional about helping us with the website.

Duane mentioned that Bruce Neal is hauling rock and he will discuss the cost of bringing in more road material if we want it.

Barb moved to approve the Treasurer’s report. Angie seconded. There was no further discussion. The motion was approved by a vote of 4 in favor, none opposed, and none abstaining.

Common Space Management: Duane reported that Desert Mountain can’t come work until 5/10/24 so Duane will work out a schedule for that week with Bruce Neil, who does that grading work before the dust abatement product is applied.

Duane and John Wickman will both be out of town the week of May 6, but Florian and Dan said they can assist Bruce Neil and Desert Mountain during that week. Angie said that her husband, Mark, would probably also be able to assist.

Discussion was held regarding details of the work to be performed.

Duane reported that a representative of IKAV came out to look at their lots near the bridge and to discuss fire prevention and weed control measures with Duane.

Duane would like to purchase another large container of Round Up to spray weeds in the common areas. He will not spray on private property and hopes we will hire Horizon or another professional firm to spray along side the roads in front of houses.

Barb brought up the issue of short term rentals and described some issues and policy measures she has read about. Florian and Barb offered to do more research on the topic.

Angie reported that the green bus that had been parked on a Richards Drive property has been moved out.

Annual Meeting: Discussion was held regarding the date and location. Because of board travel plans in July, a June 29th meeting might be a good choice. This will need to be firmed up at the next board meeting.

The next Board meeting was confirmed for May 16, 2024 at 5:30 pm at Wickman’s house, 900 Pine River Ranch Circle..

Florian moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:223 pm. Angie seconded. There was no additional discussion. The motion passed by a vote of four in favor and none opposed or abstaining.

These minutes were taken by Barbara Wickman.


These minutes were reviewed by the Board of Directors and approved by the Board on _____________ by a vote of          in favor,           opposed, and         abstaining.

                                           Attested by:       ________________________________
