12/10/2014 Board Minutes

Minutes of the Pine River Landowners Association,Inc.

December 1O, 2O14

LeRoy Residence 18 Pine River Ranch Circle



Meeting was called to order at 7:O2pm.  In attendance was Pat LeRoy, Susan McLaughlin and Tawnya Jacobson ,by conference call.


Minutes were read . A motion was made by Pat LeRoy to approve the minutes. Seconded by Tawnya Jacobson.


Treasurers report was read. There is $2,239.46 in the winter fund. $12,153.64 in the general fund. Susan McLaughlin moved to approved the minutes, Tawnya seconded.


Old Business:

Culvert work: culvert and ditch work has been finished except for marking posts at the ends of the culverts. Jerry Lucas at Gosney talked to John regarding this. They were not covered in the bid. They will charge us $ 1OO . Susan made a motion to approve the bid, Pat seconded.


Dirt fill at the pond, job has been completed.


Snow Removal: Pat is working on a contract with PAP for snow removal.


Internet: there is a sign at the mailboxes.


Sand Barrel: Shane French does not have a barrel. Susan will find one.


Gravel at mailboxes: Pat called for a quote from C&J Gravel. $23O + tax for 13/4 roadbase. She will call Gosney for a bid.


Woodshed: lot 16. John Dustin requested for us to check the property lines. Pat brought out the maps which we looked at. The woodshed appears to be within 15’ of the property line.


New Business:


Road base at the mailboxes,has been placed.We have not received a bill from Gosney. John will look at it and confirm the amount. We, the board, will approve by email prior to payment.


Abdallah-Boeme hound dog nuisance complaints: multiple complaints of dog at large in the neighborhood, Susan will contact Animal Protection of how to proceed.


Red Truck; Tawnya has noticed a red truck pulling a wood trailer speeding through the neighborhood as well as a 4 wheeler damaging the road.


A motion was made by Tawnya to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Pat. 7:29 pm



Next meeting  January 14, 2O15