1/13/2015 Board Minutes

Minutes of the January 13,2O15


Meeting of the Pine River Ranches Landowners Association, Inc.


Meeting was called to order at 7:O7 pm. Officers in attendance; John Salsbury, Pat LeRoy, Richard Benzi, and Susan McLaughlin.


Minutes were read and approved by Pat LeRoy, seconded by John Salsbury.


Treasurer’s report read by Pat LeRoy. $7,8O4.OO deposited. One outstanding check not cleared . $25,777.8O in the general account. Assessment fees are coming in. Susan moved to approve the treasurer’s report, Richard seconded.


Annual Assessments; $ 13,852.OO collected,


Old Business:

Internet. John gave the sign up list of 31 homeowners to Century Link.  It is in the planning department now.   Forest Lakes is all set up with the new internet. John will put up a sign at the mailboxes when there is an update for the neighborhood.

Culverts and ditches:  Work is completed. Plastic reflectors will be replaced. We have not received a bill from Gosney. Total was $ 11,5OO.OO


Snow Removal: Snow plowing needs better timing . Will need to plow before people leave for work in the morning and widen road. He will need to drive 3 times around the circle.  Last snow storm he plowed at 1 am , then 2pm. $445.OO charged so far this winter.


Gravel at the mailboxes:  John met with CJ’s gravel and spread road base at the mailboxes. We can do gravel in the spring.


Sand Barrel: Placed at entrance with sand and ice melt in it.


Hound Dog at large: Animal Protection has been called numerous times about hound dog chasing wildlife. Owners will be fined and have mandatory court appearance if dog is seen chasing wildlife. Animal Control has been in neighborhood.

Pond Driveway: Fill Dirt has been placed at the pond. In the spring we will compact and possibly grow grass.

Weeds and Bridge: will be addressed in the spring.

New Business:


Request for Fishing: O.D. Perry and Jim Clay, in conjunction with Big Brothers and Big Sisters, will be escorting 2 auction winners on a one day fishing outing on the river in June or July.


2O15 Budget: Budget was reviewed.


Notes from Residents:

Pat Watson wrote to notify us that Lot 38 is for sale.

Residents in subdivision 2 have voiced that the ditch and culvert on the north end of Ludwig needs attention.  We did not fix and replace that culvert due to lack of funds.  The HOA is out of money for the year.  We will put that in the budget and take care of it in the summer. Paul Mahaney will do some work on it.


Asphalt Repairs: Oil and Sand treatment is cheaper than chip and seal .$1.4O/sq.ft. vs. $3.OO/ sq.ft.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:26. Richard Benzi moved to adjourn, Susan McLaughlin seconded.