4/15/2015 Board Minutes

Pine River Ranches Landowners Association Monthly Meeting

April 15,2O15


Meeting was called to order at 7:O5 pm. In attendance Pat LeRoy, John Salsbury, and Susan McLaughlin.


Minutes approved Pat LeRoy seconded by Susan McLaughlin


Treasurers report read, Checks cleared, $25,916.38 in general account.  Winter account $159.46.  We will transfer $ 25OO.OO to that account in case of snow.  $324O spent on snow removal this year. Everyone has paid assessments except 4 landowners. Susan moved to approve, John seconded.


Old business:

Road grading and dust abatement scheduled for the week of April 2Oth. We will call PAP to not plow any spring snow with the blade if less than 6” of snow so they do not ruin the road work.


Bridge:  We have not checked bridge.  OD Perry has just returned to follow up on this.


Pond: Richard Dietrich called to say Click is coming this week to check out the leak at the pond.


LPEA downed trees: All trees cut down by LPEA are the property owner’s responsibility to clean up. They will clean up brush.


New Business:

Agenda for annual meeting:  Road work, ditches, culverts, home owners to clean out and maintain culverts, replacing north culvert on Ludwig before Sub. I, dust abatement, pond, bridge, Last years minutes to approve, treasurers report,


A letter will be mailed out in May with Annual meeting agenda and proxy.  Meeting to be held at the pond on June 13, 2O15. At 9:3O am.  Rain date Sunday at 1:3O. Board of directors will need to be elected. We will present a slate and accept nominations from the floor.


Weeds: Rod Cook is putting together a map. He may present at the annual meeting.


Mosquitoes: mention to landowners to put mosquito larvae pellets in standing water to avoid West Nile Virus.


Letters will be put into the Annual Meeting mailing to remind owners to keep culverts clean.


Next meeting set for May 2Oth.


Pat LeRoy made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Susan McLaughlin.Meeting adjourned at 8:1O pm.