7/9/2014 Board Minutes



18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO 81122


The meeting was called to order by President Shane French at 7:00 p.m.  Board members present:  Richard Young, Pat LeRoy, and newly elected members John Salsbury, Tawnya Jacobson, and Susan McLaughlin. Richard Benzi was absent.  One guest was present:  Judy Clarke.


The minutes from the May 14, 2014 board meeting were emailed to the board members for additions and/or corrections.  After the minutes were corrected they were posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  Richard Young moved that the minutes be approved; second by John Salsbury.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer Report.  The balance in the Winter Account is $2239.46.  The balance in the General Account is $10551.56.  One check to Rainbow Trout Farm for $2000.00 had not cleared and the Jacobson’s Impact Fee for $1800.00 had not cleared by the statement closing date.  Richard Young moved that the Treasurer Report be approved as presented; second by John Salsbury.   The vote to approve was unanimous.  Pat LeRoy suggested that $2000.00 be transferred to the Winter Account.  There has been no activity in that account since January and the bank may impose a penalty fee.  Richard Young moved that $2000.00 be transferred to the Winter Account; second by Susan McLaughlin.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy provided the Board with information concerning additional interest and fees for liens which are over a year old without settlement.  Pat LeRoy will mail a Notice to File a Lien letter to the two landowners.  Adequate time is given for the liens to be paid before the new liens are filed.  Richard Young moved that these letters be sent; second by John Salsbury.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy presented the invoices to be paid:  Heidi Trainor, CPA, for the Financial Review $450.00; Nancy Young, Website maintainence $71.88; Pat LeRoy Annual meeting expenses (food and copy costs) $128.84.  Richard Young moved that these invoices be paid; second by John Salsbury.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy will provide the bank with a copy of the Annual Meeting Minutes and the names of the newly elected Board Members.  A new signature card will need to be signed.  Pat LeRoy will contact the Board members when the paperwork is ready.




There is no new information regarding Fire Mitigation and the Emergency Exit.

Ditch Work – Mark Webber has submitted a rate of $100.00 per hour for labor to do the ditch.  Additional costs may include gravel if needed and the cost of the culverts.  The Board will invite the landowners to attend the next board meeting.  Pat LeRoy will contact CenturyLink regarding the cable lines that are exposed and what are the repercussions if the line is cut during the ditch work.  BP has requested that no ditch work be done south of the intersection of Ludwig Drive and Pine River Ranch Circle.


Road Work –  The Board will determine if additional road grading is needed after the monsoon season.


Bridge – O. D. Perry reported to the Board that the Northeast corner of the bridge support is deteriorating.  The Board will do some research and determine how to correct the problem.  The last bridge assessment was done by BP.  Pat LeRoy will make copies of that report and the Goff Engineering report for the new Board Members.




Snow Removal – Board members will obtain and submit bids at the next board meeting.  Pat LeRoy will compile a letter to be mailed to the contractors stating early morning plow time, don’t block driveways when plowing, and the roads in the subdivision to be plowed.


Mowing – Both Richard Diedrich and Ruben Sanchez have offered to mow the roadside weeds/grasses and the area around the pond where the thistles are overgrown.  The Board discussed which mower should be used and when the mowing should be done.  It was suggested that the mowing be done twice during the growing season.  Grasses are taller than usual this year.  Pat LeRoy will contact landowners.


The Jacobson plans were approved and the impact fee has been paid.


The newly elected Board Members are:   John Salsbury, President;  Tawnya Jacobson, Vice President;  Susan McLaughlin, Secretary;  Pat LeRoy, Treasurer; and Richard Benzi, member at large.  The Board will continue to meet the second Wednesday of the month at Pat LeRoy’s residence at 7:00p.m.


DISCUSSION – Several fishermen, who are not residents of the subdivision, have been observed fishing at the pond.  Landowners should state that the pond is private as is the river, and ask them to leave.  Making note of the license plate would be a good practice.  Also, fishermen need to have a valid fishing license.


Pat LeRoy had emailed Rod Cook, the Weed control officer, regarding the acre of oxeye daisy south of her property.  Someone did inspect the site.  Rod Cook is still advocating the use of Milestone when dealing with the thistle.


The next Board meeting will be August 13, 2014 at the LeRoy residence at 7:00 p.m.  John Salsbury will not be able to attend this meeting but will be available by phone for important discussions and/or decisions.  Tawnya Jacobson will conduct the meeting.


Pat LeRoy moved that the meeting be adjourned; second by Susan McLaughlin.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m.


These minutes were approved by a vote of _______________on________________.



President, John Salsbury                                                                     Date



Secreatry, Susan McLaughlin                                                              Date