Minutes – PRRLOA Board Meeting 14 June 2021


BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING – June 14, 2022 – 5:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order by President, Chip Burkett at 5:30 P.M.

Board of Directors present: Chip Burkett, Jeremy Luman, Dan Holloway, and Jeanie Widner.

Guests: NONE

Minutes of the May 10, 2022 meeting were presented and there were no additions or corrections.  Dan moved the minutes be approved as presented.  Jeremy seconded and the vote to approve the minutes was 4-0.

TREASURER’S REPORT _ Florian was absent and President, Chip Burkett reported in his absence that there were no unexpected expenses or revenues.  All accounts are on track. 

              The following bills were paid:

                             Duane Nelson: $60.70 (gas for wood chipper)

                             Desert Mountain: $10,163.17 (road work, dust mitigation)

              Deposits made:  $1300.00 (fish fund)

              FISH FUND – Contribution: $100.00 (Walker)

Jeremy moved the Treasurer report be accepted as presented and outstanding invoices be approved for payment, Dan seconded and vote to approve was 4-0.


DESIGN – Chip reported the committee has been working on a document that compiles design and building criteria as presented in the Association documents.  They are done with their work and have submitted it to the Board for review.  Also, the Goods have submitted and received approval for a roof extension on the south side of their existing barn.

              EMERGENCY ACCESS – Duane Nelson is exploring new possibilities with the PRFD.

AED – Jeremy expressed concern that with recent medical events in the area, he would like to explore a way to alert those who are trained to help with emergencies that do not necessarily involve cardiac events.  He will discuss it with Richard Diedrich and report back.

COMMON SPACE MAINTENANCE – Chip reported that Duane has been spraying the weeds on Association lots at the entrance and is planning to do around the pond.  Chip will request an inspection and quote from Horizon Environmental for potential weed mitigation along the roadsides.    Angie Pommier contacted the county Road and Bridge Department about the broken guardrail at the entrance of the subdivision just off CR 501.  They agreed it was their responsibility to repair it and they will do so.  There was damage done to the 5 MPH sign attached to the east side of the bridge.  It will be repaired soon.


              BRIDGE REPLACEMENT – In Florian’s absence, there was no report on the progress.  Chip reiterated that PRFD had issued the design package for construction bids.  We hope to have bids back by the end of June.

              IKAV LOTS MAINTENACE – PRFD is going to assume responsibility for any work required on the IKAV lots. Hence, we will remove this item from our agenda.  Jeremy moved it be removed, Dan seconded and the vote to approve was 4-0.

              NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE – Jeanie reported that at least 6 families are participating so the sale will proceed on June 25,2022 from 8-4. Dan will help with advertising on web sites and Jeremy will help with signage on roadways and within the town of Bayfield. 

ANNUAL MEETING _ The date for the Annual Meeting is set for July 9, 2022, at 10:00 A.M., The Clay’s have graciously offered their back yard as the meeting place again.  The meeting will start at 10:00 and plan to end around 12:00, with a potluck lunch to follow.  As always the Association will furnish meat, drinks and dinnerware.  Discussion was held about what we needed to order.  Chip asked Jeanie to take charge of that.


              Chip reported that the Design Committee report will be presented at the annual meeting,

              There was discussion about the signage at the pond.  Dan moved, Jeanie seconded that the ‘No Swimming” sign be removed and replace with a “use at your own risk” sign.  We will ask the lawyer for counsel on appropriate signage to avoid liability.


              Tuesday, July 19, 2022 @ 5:30 P.M., Transitional meeting at the Walchak Residence.


              Jeanie moved the meeting be adjourned; Dan seconded.  Vote carried 4-0 @ 6:50 P.M.

These minutes were approved by a vote of _____________ on ____________________________________

              CHIP BURKETT, PRESIDENT                                                                                                          DATE


              JEANIE WIDNER, SECRETARY                                                                                                       DATE