8/14/2013 Board Minutes





The meeting was called to order by President Shane French at 7:01 p.m.


Board members present:  Shane French, Richard Young, Mark Pommier, Dick Benzi, and Pat LeRoy


Guests present – Angela and Richard Diedrich


The minutes from June 12, 2013 were emailed to the Board for additions and corrections.  The minutes accepted as presented; second by Mark Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer Report:  General Account Balance is $2725.78.  Two checks were written:  Mark Webber, bridge bolts replacement and repair, $1000.00; Rainbow Trout Farm, $1000.00.  Two deposits were made:  $100.00 fish fund donation; $240.00 Special Assessment Road Work/Dust Abatement.  There was no activity in the Winter Account and that balance is $2430.71.  Mark Pommier moved that the Treasurer Report be accepted as presented; second by Richard Young.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Shane French reported that Steve Dexel had inspected the road.  His recommendation is that another application be done in the spring.  Road work needed is limited to taking off the top 1” and knocking down bumps and grading potholes.


The total amount of Liens filed is $8290.63.  One Landowner paid the required Annual Assessment and the Special Assessment Road Work/Dust Abatement fees but none of the interest, penalty, or filing fees.  A letter accompanied the check.  After discussion Richard Young moved that the Board table this matter since the Landowner doesn’t intent to pay any of the fees; second by Mark Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


The McMahon property is for sale.  Dan Pope was able to find a current phone number, called and left a message.  The owner returned the call to John Dustin, stating that she is aware of the lien situation.  The Board will review this at the October meeting if the property has not sold.


Pat LeRoy presented one invoice – Post Office Box Rental $44.00.  Richard Young moved that this invoice be paid, second by Mark Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.




Fire Mitigation and the Emergency Exit – Richard Diedrich has been in conversation with Fire Chief Evans.  The Fire Department will mitigate BP’s lots to demonstrate to their fire mitigation methods.  The escape route will have a Knox box placed on the last gate before CR 502.  This route may need some mitigation.  In the fall Lot #11 and the pond will have some mitigation, possibly burning since there is a good supply of fuel.  Subd. 2 is in good shape, Subd. 1 has narrow roads and lots of fuel.  A grant to help with the fire mitigation will be awarded in late August.  As an alternative to burning, Richard Diedrich

will contact J. Paul Brown, local sheep rancher about the possibility of bringing in a few sheep to eat the grass.


Bridge Bolts – Shane French reported that Mark Webber has finished replacing the bridge bolts installed by Neil’s Construction.  He also discovered that the old bolts were used on the timbers and many have rusted.  He attempted to replace and tighten those bolts as best he could.


Parking area – funds are not available at this time to complete the project.  The dirt has not been compacted.  At this time the Board is asking landowners for donations to buy the rock base and the gravel to finish the project.  Donations may be mailed to PRRLA, P. O. BOX 602, Bayfield, CO  81122.


The Board discussed combining the compacting of the dirt in the parking area with patching the potholes on the lane and adding some asphalt to the side of the road near the curve before CR 501.  The Board has several bags of asphalt patching material leftover from last year.  Volunteers will be needed to help with this project.  Richard Young moved that we spend up to $500.00 to rent a roller to do both jobs; second by Mark Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous


The Board discussed doing the grading of the potholes and bumps while we have a roller.  Richard Young moved that spend up to $500.00 for a grader; second by Mark Pommier. Vote to approve was unanimous.




Pond Repair – Richard Diedrich reviewed the material presented at the July 13, 2013 meeting that the corrugated drainage pipe in the pond has rusted and become shorter affecting the water level of the pond.  Two bids have been received and after discussion, Richard Young moved that the bid from Scott Click up to $500.00, work guaranteed, be accepted; second by Mark Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  He will provided proof of insurance.  R


Richard Diedrich has received verification that the pond has been certified


Weed mowing – wait until fall.


Culvert on Lane – culvert needs to be cleaned.  Shane French will contact Mark Webber to see if he can use his equipment to do the job.


Snow Removal – the following will be contacted and bids requested:  Precision Asphalt and Scott Click Excavating.  If a bid needs to be approved prior to the next meeting, Shane French will conduct a vote via email.


The Board revisited the lien situation.  A landowner has volunteered her expertise in collecting unpaid bills.  Mark Pommier moved that the lien information be given to Leah Dirksen; second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  Pat LeRoy will contact her.  She will report to Shane French and Pat LeRoy.


There will be no meeting in September.  The next Board Meeting will be October 9, 2013 at the LeRoy residence.


Pat LeRoy suggested that a notice be posted at the mailboxes that because of low landowner turnout for the Annual Meeting, there was no quorum for an annual meeting or a business meeting.  A letter from the Board will accompany the 2014 Annual Assessment.


Richard Young moved that the meeting be adjourned; second by Mark Pommier.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.


These minutes were approved by a vote of ________________on______________________________.




Shane French, President                                                                     Date



Pat LeRoy, Secretary/Treasurer                                                         Date