Minutes – Board Meeting 20 September 2022


BOARD OF DIRECTORS – September 20, 2022 – 5:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order by President, Chip Burkett at 5:35 P.M.

Board of Directors present: Chip Burkett, Dan Holloway, Barbara Wickman and Jeanie Widner.

Guests: NONE

Minutes of the July 19, 2022 meeting were presented and Dan moved the minutes be approved as presented.  Jeanie seconded and the vote to approve the minutes was 3-0.

TREASURER’S REPORT – In Florian’s absence, Chip presented the report as follows:

              General Account Balance: $4,093.03  (previous month: $16,837.25)

                             August deposits: $655.00 (impact fee, annual assessment)

                             August debits: $13,355.49 (GoDaddy , deposit slips, CRG, PO Box, Jim Clay (fish fund))

                             August interest: $1.27

              Winter Account Balance: $680.15 (previous month: $680.12)

                              August deposits: $0.00

                              August debits: $0.00

                              August interest: $0.03

              Reserve Account Balance: $ 12,589.82 (previous month: $20,054.49)

                              August deposits: $0.00

                              August debits: $7,465.50

                              August interest: $0.83

              Bridge Replacement Project Account Balance: $3,000.99 (previous month $3,000.91)

                             August deposits: $0.00

                             August  debits: $0.00

                              August interest: $0.08

              Outstanding Invoices:

                             $1,002.34 (Horizon Environmental for weed control)

                             $56.81 (Duane Nelson – cold patch for pothole repairs)

                             $3,287.85 (remaining payment to CRG after Duck Spring gravel adjustment)


To General Account: need to transfer $5,751.50 from Bridge Project line of credit to General Account to repay for line of credit closing fees (when required)

To Reserve Account: need to reimburse Reserve Account $7,465.50 for roadwork payment; plan to do that with the FEMA bridge study reimbursement


                             2022 Assessments: $34,886.00 (100%)

                             Donations: $0.00

                             Impact Fees: $1,938.20 (Lot S2-15)

                             Lien Payments: $0.00

              Lien Status:

no active liens

              Fish Fund

                             Expenses: $2,400.00

                             Fund Balance: $1,666.00

Barbara moved the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented.  Dan seconded and vote to approve was 4-0.

Jeanie moved the outstanding invoices be paid.  Dan seconded.  Vote to approve was 4-0.

No new info on Signature Cards in Florian’s absence.

DONATIONS: $250.00 was received from Jeremy Luman for the Common Space Maintenance Committee.

McLaughlin’s paid for the gravel application to the Duck Springs Trail.  Steve Trigg paid the rental fee for a track hoe he used to clean out the east end of Duck Springs Trail.


DESIGN – No report

              EMERGENCY ACCESS – No report

AED – No report.

COMMON SPACE MAINTENANCE – Chip reported that Duane and he filled potholes on Ludwig Lane.  Also Duane and Steve Trigg have done a lot of work on Duck Springs Trail at the east end.  A burn day was held today to burn the slash piles at the bridge lot.  Duane, Steve and Yolie Trigg, Ron Widner and Jeremy Luman worked together to get it done.


              BRIDGE REPLACEMENT – Chip reported that he had spoken with J.D. Burke from the UPRFPD about an hour before the meeting.  The important item is getting the bridge design from the current 90% completion to 100% completion and then getting 3 build bids back so we can move ahead.  Also, J.D. Burke is stepping down and will be replaced by Greg French, current deputy fire marshal for the UPRFD.  There was discussion among the board members and Barbara asked that we have members consider how they would react if bids for the bridge come back at a much higher cost than previously thought.  Jeanie stated concern and frustration that we still have not received the reimbursement from FEMA for the monies we spent on the required studies.  UPRFD has received the money from FEMA, but has not reimbursed us to date.  Chip said he thinks we should include Bridge updated information at the Budget Meeting if we have new information.

              BUDGET MEETING –A letter from the President, as well as a copy of the proposed 2023 budget and a proxy form will be mailed, either by e-mail or USPS to all members before the meeting. There will be a handout for those in attendance of the proposed budget for 2023.  Barbara stated that she felt the board should have a meeting before the Budget meeting to prepare any last-minute items for the PRRLA Budget Meeting.  All board members present agreed and a preparation meeting was set for Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 5:30 at Walchak’s residence.

              RESIDENT/NEIGHBOR COMPLAINT – Chip reported that he has been by the residence and it satisfied that the residents are working to rectify the issue.  Everyone agreed that our involvement in this issue was completed.




              Tuesday, October 18, 2022 @ 5:30 P.M., at the Walchak Residence.


              Dan moved the meeting be adjourned; Barbara seconded.  Vote approved 4-0 @ 6:46P.M.

These minutes were approved by a vote of _____________ on ____________________________________

              CHIP BURKETT, PRESIDENT                                                                                                          DATE


              JEANIE WIDNER, SECRETARY                                                                                                       DATE