5/10/2012 Board Minutes



18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO 81122



The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by President Jim Clay.  Board members present:  Richard Diedrich,

Richard Young, Shane French, and Pat LeRoy.  There were no guests present.


The minutes from the April 19, 2012 meeting were emailed to all Board Members for corrections and additions.  The corrected minutes were posted on the website and at the mailboxes.  Richard Young moved that the minutes be approved as corrected; second by Shane French.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer Report.    The General Account deposits totaled $1300.95.  One check written to Dessert Mountain for asphalt repair material for $881.00 cleared.  One check written to Shane French for the digital recorder for $124.00 did not clear.  The balance in the General Account as of today is $23,774.72.   The Winter Account had one deposit of $.18 for interest.  Two checks were written:  SWAG $146.37 for equipment rental; Jim Clay $73.91 for asphalt material.  The balance in the Winter Account as of today is $4,353.77.  The Fish Fund has received $500.00 in donations.  Richard Young moved that the Treasurer Report be approved as submitted; second by Shane French.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


There are 8 unpaid 2012 Annual Assessments for Subd. 2.  Liens have been filed.


Invoices were submitted for approval and payment:  Jim Clay $143.66 for the materials to repair the culvert on Ludwig at the pond on Lot 59; Pat LeRoy $178.75 for filing fees, postage for both Notices to File a Lien, and notification that Liens have been filed;  Western Continental Insurance for $500.00.  The invoice has not been received but payment is due June 1, 2012.  Richard Young moved that these invoices be approved for payment, second by Richard Diedrich.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


Richard Diedrich reported that a barrier was burned  near Webber’s property.  The control burn for the pond and Jackson’s lot is still on the calendar.  He reported that we did not receive a mini grant for fire mitigation; the other grant is still in the works.


Richard Diedrich has contacted Butch Knowlton about the emergency exit.  A meeting with Butch Knowlton, Richard Diedrich, Jim Clay, and perhaps other board members plus the property owners should take place as soon as one property owner arrives.


Chris Kaufmann hand delivered a letter to Richard Young prior to the Board Meeting.  Richard Young read the letter which stated that the cost to install the grow dome and garden area was $2,408.00.  The impact fee based on these figures is $28.90.  A motion to approve this impact fee was made by Shane French, second by Richard Young.  The vote to approve was unanimous.  Pat LeRoy will mail an invoice for the $28.90 impact fee.  The letter stated that the fence will not be built at this time.  He stated that he felt the no parking signs along the lane leading to CR 501 were unenforceable and blighted the scenic beauty of the area.


There is no update at this time regarding a parking area along the lane.


Pat LeRoy reported that the audit is about finished and the results will be received next week.  Richard Young moved that a $50.00 gift certificate to Ken and Sue’s be given to Larry Corman in appreciation for doing audit; second by Shane French.  The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.  Pat LeRoy will purchase the gift certificate.


Several bids were received for the road work from the bridge to the intersection of Ludwig Ave., and Pine River Ranch Circle.  This also includes the application of the dust abatement product from Dessert Mountain.  This will serve as a test area to see how effective the product is prior to application for the remaining roads.  The Board reviewed and discussed all bids.  After careful consideration, the bid from Neil’s Construction was the lowest.  Shane French moved that the bid be accepted with the stipulation that there be no add on charges if the estimated hours are not adequate to do the job; second by Richard Young.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy reported that Richard Rees had contacted the Board to see if he could contact whichever company gets the bid and have it deliver gravel to his driveway.  Pat will inform Richard that Neil’s Construction bid was accepted.


Shane French moved that the Board contact Neil’s Construction to grade the loop at the same time as the other road work is done to hopefully save some money; second by Richard Diedrich.  The vote to approve the motion was unanimous.


The Annual Meeting is scheduled for July 7, 2012 at Jim and Cheryl Clay’s with a picnic to follow.  The discussion then turned to items for the agenda and the letter to be mailed to all landowners:

The Board recommends that the 2013 Annual Assessment remain the same as this year.

Should the landowners approve the application of dust abatement material and the necessary road work, then a Special Assessment would be necessary and the Board would suggest a $275.00

Assessment per lot.

As part of the Financial Statement, all liens currently filed will be listed by name and lot number.

The audit will be included with suggestions from the auditor to improve the bookkeeping.

An update on Fire Mitigation and the Emergency Exit.


The Board discussed what appear to be acts of vandalism in the subdivision.  Several signs and posts have been removed.  A metal sign at the pond has been bent in half.  The fishing sign has been removed from the pond.  Six bags of asphalt repair material valued at $100.00 have been stolen from the lane where they were placed prior to application.  Richard Diedrich was able to salvage the metal sign at the pond.  The Board asks that landowners be aware of the problem.


The next meeting is June 5, 2012 at 7:00p.m. at the LeRoys.


Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.



These minutes were approved on ___________________by a vote of _____________________.



President, Jim Clay                                                                 Date



Secretary, Pat LeRoy                                                              Date