4/10/2013 Board Minutes



18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO 81122


The meeting was called to order by President Shane French at 7:01 p.m.  Members present:  Richard Young, Dick Benzi, and Pat LeRoy.  Guest-:  Judy Bergman.


Richard Young moved that the minutes of March 6, 2013, be approved as corrected and posted on the website; second by Shane French.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer report:  General Account balance $27146.43; Winter Account balance $2430.66; Special Assessment balance $22948.78.  Richard Young moved that the Treasurer report be approved, second by Shane French.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


One payment for $50.00 was received for the Special Assessment.


Shane French reported That Desert Mountain has requested that Neil’s use a steel roller, cost $1200.00.  Richard Young moved that the steel roller cost of $1200.00 be approved; second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Shane French reported that Neil’s has requested that 50% of his bid be paid up front – $11,000.00.  Richard Young moved that Neil’s be paid $11000.00 (50%); second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


2013 Annual Assessment:  Subd. 1 – 2 lots have not paid; Subd. 2 – 5 lots have not paid.  Notices of Intent to file a Lien have been mailed to the landowners in Subd. 2.


There is no change in the liens currently filed.   After some discussion, Richard Young moved that the Abdallah-Boehm lien fees be forgiven and the lien released; second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


The Board discussed the liens that are more than 1 year old.  Richard Young moved that a copy of the minutes be mailed to these landowners, and if no response by May 8, 2013, the  Board will file in Small Claims Court to collect payment.  Second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Invoices to be paid:  Mark Webber $455.00 snow removal; Riverbend Trout Farm $397.00 for fish.  Richard Young moved that these invoices be approved for payment; second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.




Fire Mitigation and Emergency Exit – Richard Diedrich continues to work on this.


Bridge Bolts – Dick Benzi reports that Neil’s wants to take care of bolts.


Road work – Work to begin April 16, 2013.


Parking area – work has been suspended at this time due to lack of funds.


QuickBooks – has not been received.


Cassella Letter – there has been no response or payment received.  A notice to file a lien will be mailed.


Asphalt – bid was received from Precision Asphalt.  After reviewing the bid, Richard Young moved that we accept the bid to do sections 1, 2, and 4 for $15500.00.  Work could begin late April.  Second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.






Judy Bergman presented plans for a greenhouse and explained the materials to be used and where it would be placed.  No building permit is required by the county.  N o impact fee will be assessed.  Dick Benzi moved that theses plans be approved; second by Richard Young.   Vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy presented plans submitted by Chip Burkett to build a garage.  After reviewing the plans, Richard Young moved that the plans be approved and an impact fee of $460.00 is assessed; second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.




After discussing the complaints, the Board has chosen not to take action at this time.


NEXT MEETING – May 8, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at the LeRoys


Richard Young moved that the meeting be adjourned; second by Dick Benzi.  Vote to adjourn was unanimous.  Meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.



These Minutes were approved by a vote of____________________on______________________.




Shane French, President                                                                         Date




Pat LeRoy, Secretary                                                                             Date