11/7/2017 Board Minutes

Prior to the meeting being called to order, Richard Diedrich presented an update on the bridge grant progress.  Danielle Coronado, Upper Pine River Fire Dept., and Richard met November 1, 2017, with BP representatives Kiki Mosley and John Mummery.  They presented the pictures and a short video of the recent high water and the debris jammed on the bridge pier. They gave a rundown on why we need a new bridge and our collaboration with the Fire Department. BP was interested in the short video of the high water two years ago and the deteriorating condition of the bridge. Mr. Mummery gave us a detailed review of the BP interests in the area and the history of their property acquisition adjacent to the bridge.  They were more than happy after the presentation to grant easement for bridge crews and staging areas on their property.  Any old well shafts in that area will be plugged in the summer of 2018, in advance of any potential construction.  BP is willing to pay their fair share based on the properties they own.  Mr. Mummery suggested that we look into Energy funding grants which fund 100 % of the cost.  Richard will contact Gwen Lachelt, county commissioner.

Richard Diedrich also addressed a fire mitigation concern that O. D. Perry has with Lot 90 on Richards Drive.  Richard has served as the Subdivision‘s Fire Wise Ambassador and contacted companies who do fire mitigation and the owner of the lot, Joel Brame, who was very cooperative.  Joel Brame will qualify for a 50 % reduction in cost of fire mitigation.  There will be no need to haul out debris with the machinery that will be used for the mitigation.

The Board thanked Richard for his continued work on the bridge grant project and his willingness to see the fire mitigation on Lot 90 to a workable conclusion.

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Clay at 7:10 p.m.

Member present – Jim Clay, John Dustin, Waterman Ormsby lll, and Pat Le Roy.  Rob Mc Laughlin was absent.

Guests present – Richard Diedrich

October 3, 2017 Monthly Meeting Minutes – The minutes were emailed to all board members for any additions and/or corrections.  Two minor corrections were made and the minutes were then emailed again to all board members for their approval.  Minutes were posted at the mailboxes and later on the website.  John Dustin moved that these minutes be approved as corrected, second by Waterman Ormsby, lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

October 7, 2017 Budget Meeting Minutes –  John Dustin gave an overview of the meeting and the information given by Danielle Coronado and County Commissioner Julie Westendroff concerning the bridge and the grant process.  40 lots were represented in person or by proxy.  The 2018 Proposed Budget was reviewed.  John Dustin asked if there was a motion to veto the budget and no motion was made.  The 2018 Budget as presented by the Board will be the budget used for 2018.  These minutes were emailed to all board members for any additions and/or corrections.  One addition was made.  The minutes were then emailed to all board members for their approval prior to the minutes being emailed/mailed to all landowners.  These minutes will be presented to the membership at the next annual meeting in July 2018 for their approval.  John Dustin moved that these minutes be approved as corrected, second by Waterman Ormsby, lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Pat Le Roy presented the Treasurer Report. The balance in the General Account is $22934.64. Two check cleared:  Pat Le Roy $158.00 for administrative expenses; Neils $270.00 gravel for the mailbox area.  Deposits were made:  Impact fee Walchak $2000.00;  2018 Annual Assessment partial payment Benzi $230.00; interest $.98.  Two check have not cleared:  Jim Clay $24.85 and $86.28.  The balance in the Winter Account is $4510.76 with one deposit for interest $.19.

Pat Le Roy present one invoice from Lindsey Nicholson, attorney, for $500.00 regarding questions the board had about the 2018 Budget Meeting.  John Dustin moved that this invoice be paid, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

2017 Annual Assessment – Outstanding invoices – Pat Le Roy suggested that the outstanding invoices be mailed in the hopes of collecting the money due before going through the process to file liens.  John Dustin moved that these invoices be mailed, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Bridge report – Richard Diedrich gave his report as noted above.

CC&R Committee-  Pat Le Roy reported that only one previous member – Chip Burkett – has agreed to serve on the committee again.  Jim Clay and John Dustin are willing to serve on the committee.  Several names were mentioned and Pat Le Roy will contact them.  Waterman Ormsby lll offered to speak to John Wickman about serving again.  The goal of the committee will be to bring the existing governing documents up to date to meet the current CCIOA requirements.  John Dustin moved that we move forward to solicit members for the CC&R committee, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Design Committee – Currently there are two members on the committee – Terri Bonham and Granville Conway.  Jim Clay has offered to sit on the committee until a third member may be found.  Pat Le Roy will contact the persons suggested.   Waterman Ormsby, lll moved that the Board continue to seek an additional member for the Design Committee, second by John Dustin.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Jim Clay reported that the new owners of Lot 35, Ronald and Jeanie Widner, have put in the well and will be submitting plans to the Design Committee.

Fall Grading – Rob McLauglin did some road work from the bridge to the intersection of Ludwig Drive and PRRC using the road maintainer the Association owns.  Waterman Ormsby,lll  will contact Rob to see if he can do the road work again when the road has some moisture in it.

Impact Fee – This fee is based on the valuation determined by the Building Permit department.  The CC&R committee will need to look at the language in the documents.

Asphalt road –rock material for side of the road – Jim Clay  reported that the Walchak’s did not have as much rock as they once thought they would when doing the excavation work.  They are willing to share any extra after they do landscaping.

Letter – Courtesy notice – A courtesy letter signed by the Board will be mailed after the meeting to Shane and Annette French.  The letter contains suggestions for a more permanent covering of the debris piles.

The Board has received an additional letter concerning the debris piles on the French property.

Possible fines for Violations – John Dustin presented a revised document for fines for violations.  The Board discussed this at length and concluded that the document needs more work.  Each board member will submit suggestions via email to all board members for their review.


2018 Annual Assessment – The invoices will be mailed December 1, 2017.  John Dustin moved that there will be no change in the 2018 Annual Assessment  The assessment remains the same as the 2017 Annual Assessment – Tier A $172.00 for unimproved lot, Tier B $344.00 for part-time residency Tier C $ 430.00 for full time residency.  Motion seconded by Waterman Ormsby, lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  A copy of the 2018 Budget will be mailed with the 2018 Annual Assessment invoices.

Gwen Gold – RV – The Board discussed the issue.  Pat Le Roy will contact Gwen Gold asking about her plans for the RV.

Pat Le Roy suggested that the Board develop a policy and procedure for the design committee.  After some discussion, John Dustin moved that the Design Committee develop the Policy and Procedure, and present it to the Board for approval.  Second by Waterman Ormsby, lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Next meeting – December 5, 2017 at the Le Roy residence – 18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO 81122

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.


These minutes were approved by a vote of _____________on _____________.



President Jim Clay                                                                                                   Date


Pat Le Roy, Secretary/Treasurer                                                                         Date