Minutes – PRRLOA Board Meeting – 15 June 2021




The meeting was called to order by President, Chip Burkett at 6:30 P.M.

Board Members present: Chip Burkett, Florian Walchak, and Jeanie Widner

Guest: John Dustin, Fred Brown, Jim Clay, Cheryl Clay

MINUTES OF May 12, 2021 – Florian moved the minutes be approved, Jeanie seconded.  Vote to approve 3-0.

TREASURER REPORT – Treasurer, Florian Walchak presented the Treasurers report.

              GENERAL ACCOUNT balance is $25,388.52 (previous month: $27,071.15)

                           May deposits: $2,200.00

                           May debits: $3,884.98 (GoDaddy (website expense); American Family                                                                                    Insurance; Lawyers; Jim Clay (fish stocking)

                           May interest: $2.05

              WINTER ACCOUNT balance is $2.518.16 (previous month: $2,517.97)

                           May deposits: $0.00

                           May debits: $0.00

                           May interest: $0.19

              RESERVE ACCOUNT balance is $16,038.54 (previous month: $16,037.31)

                           May deposits: $0.00

                           May debits: $0.00

                           May interest: $1.23

              INVOICES TO BE PAID

                           $54.19 – Duane Nelson – (reimbursement for herbicide)

                           $10.00 – Florian Walchak – (Colorado Secretary of State filing)

                           $36.40 – Ron Widner – (reimbursement – Metal for mailbox repair)


                           To Winter Acct. – N/A

                           To Reserve Account – N/A


                           $32,994.00 (96 lots out of 102 pd. – $1,406.00 short)            

              IMPACT FEES


              LIEN PAYMENTS


              LIEN STATUS

                           Current Liens : Lot S2-87 – $3,175.53

              FISH FUND

                           Expense: $2400.00 (Stocking, 5 May 2021)

                           Fund balance: $1,936.00

                           2021 contributions to date – $3,550.00

                           Jeanie moved the treasurer’s report be approved as presented, Florian seconded, vote to approve 3-0.  Jeanie moved the Outstanding Invoices be paid, Florian seconded.  Vote to approve 3-0.

DESIGN COMMITTEE – In the absence of a committee member,  Chip Burkett reported that Steve Harris had submitted plans for solar panel installation on his property and it was approved by the board.


AED COMMITTEE – No report.  Chip had checked with Richard Diedrich to see if we needed to pay annual fees.  There are no annual fees.


BRIDGE REPLACEMENT – Florian reported that Request for Bid (Engineering & Design) went out.  The PRFD has extended the deadline for bid submission in order to try and obtain 3 bids.  Currently there is only 1 bid, from Goff Engineering.  Once the design is in and the PRFD approves it, we will have an opportunity for input, but the PRFD has the final decision rights.  Then bids will be solicited for the actual build of the bridge.  We do not expect to have the final cost of the project for the Home Owners by the Annual Meeting, so we will be holding a special meeting at later date to announce the special assessment cost to the members.  We still expect to have the bridge build by fall, before winter arrives. The PRFD was approved to receive a loan from TBK for 75% of the cost of the project, which will be reimbursed by FEMA, and the PRRLA will only be responsible for the other 25%.  Florian reported that the new bank account at Bank of Colorado, exclusively for bridge expenses will be ready; with all signed paperwork by next week.

MAILBOX REPAIR – Chip reported that the project is completed with help from Ron Widner and Karen Holloway.

POND MAINTENANCE – The outflow pipe was leaking and was sealed with road base, which seems to have solved the problem for now.  Florian is still researching a sealant that we may be able to use if the problem reoccurs.  There were concerns expressed about pond activities and use that was not allowed, so we have added some new signage and will plan to add more when the bridge is complete, to insure that people coming into the subdivision and using the pond and river know the rules.

ROAD MAINTENANCE – CRG will grade the roads again this year and Desert Mountain will apply the dust abatement.  The work will be done JUNE 28-30.  Jeanie moved that approval of the project and expense, Florian seconded and the vote passed 3-0.  Jim Clay said that there are 2 large culverts on the paved Ludwig Lane and that 1 of them had a large boulder in it that needs to be removed to prevent flooding.  He asked that the board check to see if it had been removed by someone.  WEED SPRAYING on the roadsides and common areas has been done.  We have not received the bill yet.


              There was discussion with the Clay’s about the annual meeting and preparation for it.

              John Dustin wants us to consider moderate amendments to our documents and will submit suggested changes to the Rules and Regulations for the Board to consider.

              Cheryl Clay said that since Jim had been able to get off the board last year, she just wanted to thank the board members for their service.  Susan Wells is the only current board member who has removed her name from consideration of serving again next year.

              Before the annual meeting, Chip will check to see if the current Design Committee members are willing to serve again .

DATE FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING – Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at the Walchak Residence at 6:30 P.M.


Jeanie moved to adjourn at 7:44 PM and Florian seconded.  Vote approved 3-0.

These minutes were approved by a vote of


CHIP BURKETT, PRESIDENT                                                                    DATE

_________________________________________________________________________________________________JEANIE WIDNER, SECRETARY                                                                  DATE