Minutes of PRRLOA Board Meeting – 8 January 2019



18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, Co 81122

(LeRoy’s Residence)


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Jim Clay, PRRLOA Board Chairman.

Board of Directors members present: Jim Clay, Chairman; Pat LeRoy, Treasurer; Florian Walchak, Secretary; Susan Wells, Member; Chip Burkett, Member; all members of the Board were present.

Guests: Richard Diedrich, Danielle Coronado

Approve minutes from 11 December meeting: Florian Walchak distributed a draft of the minutes on 7 January prior to the meeting for review/changes/comments. Susan Wells moved to approve the minutes of the last Board meeting as revised per comments; Chip Burkett seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous.

Treasurer report: A Treasurer’s report was presented by Pat LeRoy. The balance in the General Account is $29,393.03. The Winter Account has a balance of $5,765.67 and the Reserve Account has a balance of $4,000. The amount invoiced for the 2019 Annual Assessment is $34,486.00. So far, the assessments on 38 lots have been paid totaling $12,527.00. PRRLOA income for 2018 was $54,822.51. Total expenses for 2018 were $60,205.92.

Pat LeRoy noted that the conversion of accounts from First National Bank of Durango to TBK Bank occurred in December.

Prompted by a question asked by Chip Burkett, Treasurer Pat LeRoy affirmed that PRRLOA finances were in good shape, that there have not been unplanned and unforeseen expenses, and that all looks good going forward into 2019. She noted that $6,000 is budgeted for snow plowing this winter season and this will be the biggest unknown expense going forward, depending, of course, on just how much snow we get this year.

Chip Burkett moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report; Florian Walchak seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous.

Invoices to be paid: Pat LeRoy submitted the following invoices for payment:

Danielle Coronado (grant writing) – $400

Florian Walchak moved to approve payment of the invoice; Chip Burkett seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous.

Old Business:

Review of current liens: Pat LeRoy reviewed the payment status of current liens as part of the Treasurers Report. The total of outstanding liens is $3,821.93     

The Goicoecheas are current in payments and have reduced their balance to $1,389.93. This has been a significant effort on the part of the Goicoecheas and the Board appreciates their discipline and accomplishment. The owners of lots 18, 20, and 21 have not responded to the offered payment plan as discussed and approved in a prior Board meeting. The Board will proceed with the next authorized step in collecting overdue fees. This will occur no sooner than 1 March 2019.

Pat LeRoy suggested those land owners who are paying off liens and who have personally picked up copies of their liens, thereby saving the PRRLOA mailing and administrative fees, have those expenses deducted from the lien payment total (which are normally included in the lien total). The amount for each lien is modest – $5.45 – but there is no need to have the land owner pay extra for an expense that has not been incurred. Chip Burkett turned the suggestion into a motion which was seconded by Susan Wells. The vote to approve was unanimous.

Bridge Replacement: Richard Diedrich and Danielle Coronado gave an update to the bridge replacement status. Danielle has coordinated to obtain the additional information FEMA requires (as noted in the last Board meeting). The Dam Inundation Map is unavailable, having never been created, as far as our research can find. FEMA will be informed that such information does not exist. Goff Engineering is revising the Cost Benefit Analysis that includes predicted damages at 5, 10, 50, and 100 year intervals, and is preparing for a more complete hydrological/flood analysis. Finally, the letter of support prepared by the County Commissioners’ Office for submittal to FEMA should be done by 9 January. This will include a statement of commitment by PRRLOA and needs to be signed by the President of the Board. Danielle will submit all material by the 14 January 2019 deadline. She will also stay in touch with Goff Engineering and the Commissioner’s Office to make sure they complete their action items in time for submittal.

The Board authorized President Jim Clay to sign the letter of support declaring PRRLOA’s commitment to the project, noting that the commitment entailed paying for 25% of the costs of the bridge project. Such authorization was moved by Florian Walchak and seconded by Chip Burkett. The vote to approve was unanimous.

Danielle will try to get us a hard copy of the submittal so that we have a record and archive of all the material gathered and submitted for the grant application. Since the submittal is electronic this may be problematic, but she will gather together all the material she can into an archive so the Board can reference and have the material available for future use if necessary.

Chief Evans has established a verbal agreement with TBK Bank for a line of credit backed by the grant to meet the Fire District’s cash flow needs during the project. The PRRLOA needs to investigate a similar arrangement for its own needs. Florian Walchak will contact the manager of the Bayfield branch of TBK Bank (Ron Dunavant) to see what options are available to the Association.

The current timeline for the project is a May 2019 announcement of the grant winners, a 2020 start, and a 2022 completion deadline. The year-long delay between grant award and construction start is due to the necessary environmental impact studies that need to be done by various Government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Forest Service.

There have been no communications with BP during the last month. Chip Burkett will call on his contacts within BP to find out with whom we can discuss equipment staging and easement requirements.

Pond access policy and guidelines: Florian Walchak did not have a draft prepared for this meeting. He will draft guidelines for pond use and access for the Board’s review in time for the next meeting.

Architecture/Design committee: No business was conducted during the past month. Jim Clay ask that the committee review the CC&Rs, By-laws and other PRRLOA documents regarding mobile homes and place that language prominently in a consolidated, easy to read architectural review guidance document – something that potential buyers and landowners would read and be informed of PRRLOA’s policy regarding mobile homes.

Jim would also like the committee to better define and describe what constitutes second floor living space that meets the minimum square footage requirements for two-story house built in the subdivision. Susan Wells will take the actions back to the committee.

New business:

End of the year mailing: An end of the year mailing will go out to all landowners and will include a statement of 2018 Income and expenses; a description of the Reserve Fund function, a 2019 Roster, and a Letter from the President. Pat LeRoy will gather the necessary documents and Jim Clay will write the letter in the next few weeks. The mailing must be sent out within 60 days of the close of the fiscal year, which in our case was at the end of December 2018

Pat LeRoy stated that there will be a carryover of about $16,000 to next year’s budget. This includes $9,000 that was already identified in the budget. The larger amount is due to the collection of construction impact fees and liens. The Board gave guidance that the overage be placed in the reserve fund account and not be added to any particular line item. It was up to next year’s Board, establishing next year’s budget, to decide just how the carryover should be distributed within the new budget and its line items.

Good neighbor policy enforcement (ATVs, lighting, dogs): There have been additional complaints and concerns made to the Board regarding Lot 11. Jim Clay will, again, discuss the issue of ATV use with the landowner of concern noting that the PRRLOA has a written Good Neighbor policy that includes the use of ATVs. Landowners agree that they and their guests will abide by such policies when they purchase a lot or lots in the subdivision. The discussion broadened to animal control and lighting. Homeowners will be advised that any of their dogs that are not under their direct control and causing a nuisance, creating a potentially aggressive and dangerous situation, or harassing wildlife are subject to LaPlata County animal control regulations upon complaint by any neighbor or PRRLOA resident. Actions that can be taken by the County include substantial fine and permanent removal the offending dog(s).

The Board also noted a letter of complaint that was sent to the landowner of Lot 11 (and copied to the Board) regarding a landowners exterior domestic lighting. The landowner appears to be taking corrective action in accordance with LaPlata County exterior lighting ordinances. The Board decided to hold off on any action or warning regarding the lighting issue.

Date for next meeting(s): Tuesday, 12 February 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at Pat LeRoy’s house. Tentative dates for additional future meetings are 12 March; 9 April; 14 May; and 11 June. All are on a Tuesday. The Board set the date for the Annual Meeting on 20 July 2019.

Meeting adjourned: Move to adjourn meeting by Florian Walchak; seconded by Chip Burkett; the vote to adjourn was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

These minutes were approved by a vote of _______ on ___________________________



Jim Clay, President                                                                                                                    Date


Florian Walchak, Secretary                                                                                                     Date