1) The meeting was called to order at 5:36 PM by John Wickman
Board Members in attendance: Dan Holloway, Angie Pommier, Florian Walchak, John Wickman, Barb
Guests: John Dustin, Millard Jacobson, Mark Pommier
2) Minutes:
Draft minutes from the November 2024 Board meeting were previously distributed to the Board
members by Barb. Dan moved to approve the minutes as presented. Angie seconded. There was
no further discussion. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 in favor, none opposed, and
none abstaining.
3) Treasurer’s Report:
Florian gave a verbal report. Annual dues notices were sent out on December 1, 2024.
Approximately 1/3 of the annual dues have been paid to date. The only recent expenses items
were two invoices from HeartSafe La Plata for new batteries for the LOA’s two AEDs, which
Florian paid as these were discussed and approved in November.
There was brief discussion regarding the balance owed to Leeder Construction for road work
done in 2024. Barb moved that Florian pay Leeder all the remaining amount due. Angie
seconded. There was no further discussion. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 in favor,
none opposed, and none abstaining.
4) Committee Reports:
There were no reports from the Design Committee or Common Space Management Committee.
CC&Rs and By-Laws Committee:
John Dustin reviewed a draft on a possible addition to the CC&Rs to address regulating short
term rentals. Discussion was held. The Board concurred that John D. should incorporate into his
draft text a few suggestions which came up at this meeting and were concurred with and then
provide the revised text to the Board to pass on to the LOA’s attorney for review. The Board
concurred that a meeting should be held later this spring, possibly in March, to discuss the issue
of short term rentals with the membership and to offer the options of adding either a CC&R
section regulating short term rentals or a CC&R prohibiting all short term rentals. No formal
action was taken.
John D. and Florian will continue working together to finalize the proposed form of a “fishing
license item”, possibly a tag on a lanyard, which landowners could allow their guests to carry to
show that they are authorized guests and should be allowed to use the subdivision’s access and
easement for fishing along the Pine River and at the pond in the subdivision. The Board will
finalize descriptive regulatory text once the tag or license item is finalized for the Board’s
consideration. No formal action was taken.
5) Old Business:
Speed Bumps: Speed bumps are in winter storage. The Board concurred that they should not be
reinstalled until after road work is done in the spring. John Wickman will call Bruce Neil to try to
schedule spring road work.
Signage: A few new signs have come in and been installed. Two “Children Playing” signs have
been relocated. The sign at the pond needs to be installed when the soil conditions allow.
Fishing privileges: Previously considered at this meeting (above under CC&Rs & ByLaws
Wildlife: John Wickman reported that two beavers at the pond were shot by a DFW employee
based on a reported complaint from a landowner. John expressed his disappointment that this
was done because plans had been made to relocate the beavers to a suitable spot in the
summer when they would be able to survive a relocation. John has asked DFW not to shoot any
more beavers in PRR without notifying him so that wildlife will not be needlessly shot.
AED Training: Barb has been in touch with the Red Cross and will schedule an AED/CPR training
for PRRLOA members in approximately two weeks. This will be a free training. The Red Cross can
provide additional training sessions if there is interest.
The subdivision is also acquiring two signs to identify the houses at which our AEDs are stored.
Package Box: No action has been taken because weather will not allow construction. Barb will
continue to pursue a cost estimate so that the Board can consider taking action on this issue.
4) New Business:
Angie and Mark Pommier showed pictures of abandoned vehicles, sheds, propane tanks, and
other unsightly items which have appeared on lots at the far end of Ludwig Drive. Discussion
was held regarding concerns about these items including the possibility that some landowners
are unaware of people squatting on their property. Angie volunteered to try to contact some of
the affected landowners. No formal action was taken.
5) The next Board meeting was scheduled for February 11, 2025 at 5:30 pm at the Wickman’s
house, 900 Pine River Ranch Circle.
Barb moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:47 pm. Dan seconded. There was no additional
discussion, and the motion was approved by a vote of 5 in favor, none opposed or abstaining.
These minutes were taken by Barbara Wickman.
These minutes were reviewed by the Board of Directors and approved by the Board on _
by a vote of in favor, opposed, and abstaining.
Attested by: ____________________