Minutes – 10 March 2020 PRRLOA Board Meeting



Le ROY residence – 18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO  81122

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Chip Burkett at 7:02 p.m.

Board of Directors present:  Chip Burkett, Florian Walchak and Pat Le Roy.  Absent were Jim Clay and Susan Wells.

Guests:  Duane Nelson and John Dustin

The minutes were emailed to the Board members for any additions and/or corrections.  Minor corrections were made and the corrected minutes were emailed to the Board members again before being posted on the website and at the mailboxes.  Florian Walchak moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, second by Pat Le Roy.  Vote to approve 3-0.

Treasurer Report – Florian Walchak presented the treasurer report.  The General Account balance is $31637.19.  Deposits for 2020 Annual Assessment totaled $3552.65.  Invoices paid:  GoDaddy $24.98, William Gomer Refund for overpayment of assessment $28.00, Attorney $825.00.  Interest earned $11.65.  Winter Account balance $5530.42.  Invoice paid:  Neils $320.00 snow removal.  Interest earned $1.25.  Reserve Account balance is $8018.42, interest earned $1.85.  Pat Le Roy moved that the Treasurer report be approved as presented, second by Florian Walchak.  Vote to approve 3-0.

Invoices to be paid:  Pat Le Roy $146.20 for office supplies, stamps, $10.00 for filing the annual Report to the State of Colorado.  Florian Walchak $32.80 for mailing costs for 8 Notices to File a Lien.  Pat Le Roy moved that these invoices be paid, second by Florian Walchak.  Vote to approve 3-0.

2020 Annual Assessments – to date 81 lots have paid in full, 3 lots continue to submit partial payments.  BP has four lots with outstanding invoices for the assessment.  Florian Walchak will follow up with John Mummery regarding payment.   To date $15341.00 has been collected.  Payments received in December 2019 are not included in this total.

Notices to File a Lien – 8 Notices were mailed by certified mail.

Review current lien status – Lot 87 was scheduled to close March 6, 2020 but did not close.  A Notice to File a Lien was mailed to the current owner.  2 Landowners have liens filed against their properties.


John Dustin asked the Board what action has taken place regarding his letter that indicates a violation of the Association’s governing documents:  CC&R # 19, and 20.  A letter was mailed to the owners asking when the white poly membrane being used as roofing material  would be replaced.  No response to the letter has been received.  He asked that the Board move forward with a letter stating that there is a violation to CC&R #19 which may be subject to a fine.  Pat LeRoy read the Policy and Procedure regarding fines for violations.  The Board asked Pat Le Roy to draft a letter in regards to the violation and the possible fine and send to the board for their input and approval prior to mailing the letter.  Florian Walchak moved that a letter citing the violation and the possible fine be drafted by Pat Le Roy and sent to the board members for their input and approval prior to mailing the letter, second by Pat Le Roy.  Vote to approve 3-0.so

Bridge Replacement:

     Line of Credit – no update at this time.

     Special Assessment – no update at this time.

     Meeting with Chief Evans and FEMA representatives –   A meeting with Chief Evans, FEMA and the Board is tentatively set for April 11, 2020.  No time or place has been determined.

Design Committee – The Design Committeehad presented suggested changes to 4 CC&Rs.  The Board has reviewed the changes and feel that at this time the changes are not sufficient enough to warrant a change to the CC&Rs.  It was suggested that these possible changes may be incorporated into the Design Committee Policy and Procedure.  Florian Walchak volunteered to draft the document. 

Review letter from the Attorney – The attorney was asked about the Special Assessment for the bridge.  She will give us her opinion regarding the process for the special assessment and which lots would be assessed for the cost. 

AED update – Two devices are recommended to cover the subdivision.  One at the north end of the subdivision and one near the south end.  Richard Diedrich has been informally canvassing the neighborhood to seek information and to see who might be interested in the device and also willing to be trained to use the device.  The need for the AED will be put on the 2020 Annual Meeting agenda for discussion and as a possible budget item.

Emergency Exit Update – Duane Nelson led a group of residents (the Senior Hiking Club including Florian Walchak, Richard Diedrich and Ken Le Roy) hiked the possible exit.  It was a fairly easy hike with a slight grade.  They noted where areas requiring some grading, a possible culvert or 2, and brush mitigation.  During their hike they happened upon the owner of the property they were hiking, explained that they were checking out an emergency exit for Pine River Ranches.  He was familiar with the subdivision and was receptive to the exit and that it would work for him as an alternate exit if needed.  Duane Nelson will continue to investigate this exit and the details required.  He mentioned that perhaps Chief Evans would be interested in the route and how it could impact firefighting in that area.  Richard Diedrich will contact Paul Mahaney to get his thoughts concerning the emergency exit as it is close to his property line.  Danielle Coronado will be contacted to see if there are any grants available for fire mitigation and the emergency exit.  Florian Walchak will head a subcommittee with Duane Nelson and Richard Diedrich to move forward.


Dust Abatement – Chip Burkett will contact both Dessert Mountain and CRG for bids to do the preliminary grading/gravel and applying the dust abatement product. 

Complaints regarding dogs – The Board has received complaints regarding aggressive dogs, dogs barking at all hours of the day and night, dogs chasing wildlife.  After some discussion the Board reached the conclusion that the Board is not equipped to handle these kinds of complaints.  Complaints should be handled by the people involved.  If all else fails, then the proper authorities should .be contacted:  La Plata County Animal Control and Colorado Parks and Wildlife when dogs are chasing wildlife or disturbing and/or destroying nests of eggs at the pond.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan – The Association has had a plan for several years thanks to Richard Diedrich.  Duane Nelson has 38 years with the Forest Service and has offered to update the plan.  He will check the cost for new maps. 

Next Meeting – April 7, 2020 at the Le Roy residence 18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO.

Meeting adjourned 8:35 p.m.

These minutes were approved by a vote of ________ on _______________.


Vice President Chip Burkett                                                         Date


Secretary Pat Le Roy                                                                     Date