5/12/2011 Board Minutes






Board member Jim Clay called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.   Board  Members present:  Rob McLaughlin and Pat LeRoy.  Guests:  Judy Clarke and Glenn Watson.


  1. Members of the Board had reviewed the minutes of the April 14, 2011 meeting. Rob McLaughlin moved to approve the minutes.  Pat LeRoy seconded  the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.
  2. Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer’s report. General Account:  deposits totaled $1242.08.  Checks were written to Continental Western Insurance $500.00; Winter Account transfer $463.00 for 2011 Annual Assessment Subd. 2; Pat LeRoy $279.08 for fees associated with filing and release of liens and postage; Neils for gravel work $12,245.00; Four Corners Materials $ 5,894.25 for asphalt work.  General Account balance $5,358.23.  Checks from the Winter Account were written to Nails $150.00 snow removal; Jim Clay $63.63 for asphalt repair; Four Corners Materials $3000.00 for Asphalt work.  There were no deposits.  Winter Account balance $ 2,697.82.  Rob McLaughlin motioned to approve the Treasurer’s report.  Jim Clay seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.




  1. Pat LeRoy reported that one partial payment for 2011 Annual Assessment Subd. 2 was received for Lot 70 with the balance due by the end of the month. The lien will be released upon payment in full.
  2. There are new tenants at Lot 21. Jim asked for a copy of the 2011 Assessment which he will deliver to the tenant along with a roster.  Pat mentioned that a Lien has been filed against that property and a 2011 Annual Assessment was mailed to DTS, LLC, the new owners. Pat will provide Jim with the copies.


  1. Jim Clay will send a friendly letter to the renters at Lot 59 to control their dogs. There have been two episodes reported to the Board concerning these dogs.


  1. The Fire Department will be asked to meet with landowners from both subdivisions and other lots one hour prior to the annual meeting to discuss fire mitigation.


  1. Rob McLaughlin reported that a meeting with BP and a Fire Department official is being planned to discuss the emergency exit through their property.


  1. Jim Clay will obtain a bid for bridgework and have it available by the next meeting.


  1. Glen Watson reported that repairing the bridge using volunteer labor may not be possible. It appears to be a bigger undertaking than thought at first.


  1. Jim Clay spotted an ad in the paper for used Trex. After discussion, it was determined that purchasing new in 16ft length was a better way to go.


  1. There are a few potholes needing some attention which weren’t addressed when Four Corners Materials did the repair work. The amount paid was about $1000.00 less than the bid.  Jim asked the if the board  would approve another $100.00 to purchase asphalt mix and he would do the labor.  Rob McLaughlin motioned that $100.00 be approved for this repair.  Pat LeRoy seconded the motion.  Motion was approved unanimously.




  1. The Annual Meeting will be held at Jim and Cheryl’s home on July 16th.  The  Fire Mitigation meeting will begin at 10:00 a.m. followed by the annual meeting at 10:30 a.m.  In case of rain, the meeting will be postponed to Sunday, July 17th  with Fire Mitigation meeting at 1:30 p. m. and Annual Meeting at 2:00 p.m. The agenda will include minutes from the 2010 meeting, Treasurer’s report, Bridge repair discussion, possible special assessment for bridge repair.  Margaret will review past minutes for other items of discussion at the meeting.
  2. Rob McLaughlin presented information concerning West Nile Virus and the standing water within the subdivision and the pond.  The information will be posted at the mailboxes. More information is available at www.fightthebitecolorado.com.  Several landowners have used the Mosquito dunks which Rob has purchased from www.SmartPak.com
  3. Rob McLaughlin asked Pat to check the endorsement on a check written to him.
  4. Pat reported that a notice has been received regarding the State report due at the end of May.  An assessment has been received for the pond, $373,500.00.
  5. Jim asked for comments from the guests.  Glen Watson mentioned two concerns:  the appearance of the chicken coop on Lot 19;  the wood shed on Lot 47. Neither were presented or approved by the board.  Jim will send a letter to the owner.
  6. The next Board meeting is June 9, 2011 at the LeRoys.  At that time all items to   Be mailed i.e. budget, agenda, bridge bid, items for discussion, proxy, should be  ready.  Pat will take care of the mailing.
  7. Jim mentioned that he has received several checks for the Fish Fund.  Glen Watson voiced concern that the fish funds were being co-mingled with the Association funds with no clear records.  Pat assured Glen that accurate records are being kept.  As of this date, no fish funds have been deposited into either bank accounts.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.



The Board approved these minutes by a vote of_____to______on_____________.


Board President                                              Date


Board Secretary                                              Date