The August 12, 2O15 Minutes of the Pine River Ranches Landowners Association Monthly Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 6:56 pm by president John Salsbury. Board members present: Pat LeRoy, John Salsbury, John Dustin, and Susan McLaughlin.
The minutes from the July meeting were presented and approved. Motion made by Susan McLaughlin to approve seconded by John Salsbury.
Treasurers Report was presented by Pat LeRoy. $36OO deposited for Conway impact fee. Ending balance $16,255.O5 in general fund. John Dustin moved to approve treasurers report, seconded by John Dustin approved.
Old Business:
Pond: C & J Gravel – Clay procuring: $3.OO/ton $45.OO/load, $2OO. Crossfire: $2OO/load. Crossfire has Certified material. Scott Click contacted. Click would do work $155/hr. Track hoe use , total cost $595.OO . At this point the pond is full and not changing levels. We will wait until the fall to see what pond level does with fluctuating levels. If pond level drops and leaks we will approve work. John Dustin made a motion to table until then, Pat LeRoy seconded
Ludwig Drive Culvert: CRG estimate $ 7,76O.OO. $476O.OO if drop portions, such as not replacing Ludwig culvert this fall. John Dustin discussed proper installment. John Salsbury brought up that newly installed dithces are congested and need to be cleaned. John Salsbury will clean or Dan Pope will be asked with his tractor. Pat LeRoy mentioned that we may need to budget for yearly culvert cleaning. John Dustin moved to amend assessment. $1O,32O.OO total estimate for all 2O16 spring road work, including dust abatement.
Alternate Emergency Exit: Upper Ludwig is a viable route over to CR 5O2 /245 in case of bridge failure, flood or fire. They will rewalk again for further assessment.
Bridge: Rotten beams will be removed then replaced and reinforced with cement. John Dustin recommended concrete reinforcement covered with river rock. We can get river rock from the neighborhood. Gosney and Crossfire will be contacted for bids.
Duck Spring Trail Road work: Gravel added to budget for road work.
Pond Road: John Salsbury said we should get Gosney to work on the road when they are here. We will bring in good road base and have them grade it above the water level. Time table to be discussed as we assess the budget. John will get an estimate.
New Business:
Snow Removal Bids: Pat LeRoy said she will call Precision Asphalt , who did it last winter. She has checked with others without interest. We were in agreement that they did an adequate job last year.
Pat LeRoy reported that OD Perry called to say that an Alpine Lumber truck took out the load limit sign by the mailbox. Angie Pommier found 2 Ludwig Drive signs were in the ditches.
Meeting Adjourned: 7:58pm John Dustin moved to adjourn seconded by Pat LeRoy. Next meeting September , 2O15 will be determined as to board member availability.