4/11/2018 Board Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Clay at 7:00 p.m.

Board members present – Jim Clay, John Dustin, Rob McLaughlin, Waterman Ormsby lll, and Pat Le Roy.

Guests present – Angie Pommier and Nancy Young

To accommodate ours guests Spring Cleaning and Website update were addressed out of order on the agenda.

Angie Pommier expressed interest in taking the lead on the Spring Clean-up.  Areas of concern are: the entrance at CR 501 – cutting weeds; mailboxes – clean off tape and rust, prime for painting of the box that contains delivered newspaper; sweep bridge; new Trex like boards for the bridge to replace the missing boards and short spans of boards; wire brush the railings, paint railings.  Angie also addressed the condition of some signs in the subdivision:  bridge signs and speed limit signs.   She had obtained some prices for the signs, posts, and installation.   The plan is to meet at the bridge on Saturday April 14th at 9:00 a.m. with necessary equipment to do the various jobs as outlined.  Jim Clay thanked Angie for taking the lead on this project.

Nancy Young has been working on a new website using WordPress.  She explained that it is easier to navigate and the Board may post items directly when necessary.  Persons contacting PRRLA will use the email address.  Nancy hopes to have all information transferred from the old website soon and the new website up and running in the near future. The cost will probably not increase. Jim Clay thanked Nancy for all of her hard work over the past several years.  John Dustin moved that Nancy Young move forward with the new website, second by Rob Mc Laughlin.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Minutes March 7, 2018 –   John Dustin stated that the minutes were emailed to all board members by Pat Le Roy for any corrections and/or additions.  Minor modifications were made to the minutes.  The minutes were corrected, emailed again to the board members for their approval.  The minutes were then posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  John Dustin moved that the minutes be approved as modified, second by Rob Mc Laughlin.  Vote to approve was 4-0 with Jim Clay abstaining since he was absent from the meeting.

Treasurer Report – Pat Le Roy presented the Treasurer Report.  The balance in the Winter Account is $3761.67.  The check to Neil’s for snow removal $360.00 cleared.  Interest was $.17.  The balance in the General Account is $59154.23.  Interest was $2.39.  John Dustin moved that the Treasurer report be approved, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Liens Filed – Pat Le Roy reported that 3 liens were filed for nonpayment of 2017 Annual Assessment.   Five liens were filed for nonpayment of 2018 Annual Assessment.  Total for all liens filed to date is $10042.43.

Invoices to be paid – Pat Le Roy presented the following invoices for payment:  Tina Jones $208.14 for overpayment of 2018 Annual Assessment; Goldman, Robbins, Nicholson, and Mack $175.00 advice concerning drafts of items for the CC&Rs and Bylaws; Pat Le Roy $252.10 for costs associated with filing liens (certified mailing and postage, notary fees, recording fees), stamps, and Colorado State report; American Family Insurance $687.00.  The Board was relieved to hear that even after the expenses incurred as a result of the lawsuit by American Family Insurance in defense of the Board of Directors and the Association, the premiums did not increase.  John Dustin moved that these invoices be approved for payment, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Spring Clean-up –  The Board discuss the new signs suggested by Angie Pommier and decided to wait until the next meeting to make a final decision.

Bridge Inspection report – No update at this time.  The report is pending.

CC&Rs – Vicky Mullins gave an overview of the process the committee followed.  The committee reviewed all of the governing documents; read CCIOA and became familiar with the document; followed the instructions provided by the attorney;  made the necessary changes so that the documents were in compliance with CCIOA to the best of the committee’s knowledge;  clarified some language so there was conformity between the documents.  Each document was reviewed and revised until all members were in agreement that it was finalized.   The attorney advised that a new document – Rules, Regulations and Guidelines – be created.  This document is composed of the Design Committee guidelines, Solar panels installation, Use of motorized vehicles within the subdivision, and Pond and other common areas usage.  Pat Le Roy will contact the attorney and then hand deliver or email the documents to the attorney for her review.  The committee does expect that the attorney may have some revisions.  The final documents will reflect any and all changes recommended by the attorney.  These will be mailed/emailed to all landowners for their review.  The documents will be discussed at the Annual meeting.  The CC&Rs must be approved by 51% of the lots; the Bylaws may be approved by a majority of the members in attendance in person or by proxy at the annual meeting.

After some discussion the Board has several questions for the attorney:

  1. Does the ballot for approval of the CC&Rs need to be notarized?
  2. Does New Age own the river bed? (John Dustin will attempt to contact New Age prior to asking the attorney about this).
  3. What is the cost to do a quiet title for the bridge, roads, right away across the bridge?

John Dustin moved that we inquire about the cost for item # 3 listed above, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Design Committee – Jim Clay reported that the committee is reviewing plans submitted by Ron and Jeannie Widner for Lot 35.  The committee has not heard back from the third member to approve the plans.

Impact Fees – One landowner has not paid the impact fee.  The Board discussed the situation realizing that the new impact fee policy was not in place until late 2017.  John Dustin moved that the following plan be made available – ½ of the amount due by April 20, 2018 with the remaining ½ due by June 30, 2018, second by Rob Mc Laughlin.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

Discussion of possible fines for violations – After some discussion, the board agreed to table this to the next meeting.

Contract for Chip and Seal – the contract needs to be signed and mailed to Four Corners.  The Association is near the top of the schedule.

Foot bridge over culvert at the pond – table until next meeting.

Liens response from attorney – The Board had asked the attorney for guidance regarding a landowner who has multiple liens.  There was no response at of today’s date.

Internet – no update


Vacation rental – There was an inquiry if a property could be used as a vacation rental.  After discussion, the Board concluded that there is no policy regarding this issue.

Gwen Gold RV – Vicky Mullins reported that the RV was removed last week.  Pat Le Roy will send an email thanking Gwen for her prompt action.

Date of Annual Meeting – July 7, 2018 at the Clays.  An early start will be in order.

BP and Fishing Rights – Some BP employees have been fishing the river.  The Board decided that the fishermen must stay on BP property.  Jim Clay will contact BP and discuss the situation with them and also ask for a contribution to the fish fund.

Next Meeting – May 9, 2018, 7:00 p.m. at the Le Roys 18 Pine River Ranch Circle

Meeting adjourned at 9:09 p.m,

These minutes were approved by a vote of ______ on ___________.



President Jim Clay                                                                 Date


Secretary/Treasurer Pat Le Roy                                           Date