MINUTES OF BOARD MEETING – February 11, 2025
1) The meeting was called to order at 5:32 PM by John Wickman
Board Members in attendance: Dan Holloway, John Wickman, Barb Wickman. Angie Pommier joined
the meeting by speakerphone at 5:35 pm.
Guests: John Dustin
2) Minutes:
Draft minutes from the January 7, 2025 Board meeting were previously distributed to the Board
members by Barb. Dan moved to approve the minutes as presented. Barb seconded. There was
no further discussion. The motion was approved by a vote of 3 in favor, none opposed, and
none abstaining.
3) Treasurer’s Report:
Florian Walchak did not submit a Treasurer’s report. Dan has been collecting annual dues
payments and reported that approximately 28 lots have not paid yet. Dan thought delinquent
notices were sent out recently by Florian. The only expense item paid since the January Board
meeting was the payment to Leeder Construction that was approved by the Board at the
January meeting. [Angie joined the meeting during this discussion.]
4) Committee Reports:
There were no reports from the Design Committee.
CC&Rs and By-Laws Committee:
John Dustin reported that he had revised his draft language regarding short term rentals to
include suggestsion discussed at the Board meeting in January. Discussion was held regarding
how next to proceed including whether a “no short term rentals” option should be drafted. The
Board concurred that John should draft a “no short term rentals” option and forward his drafts
to the Board for forwarding to an attorney for review before proceeding with a membership
discussion meeting. The Board discussed holding a membership discussion meeting after the
legal review and ten day notice to the membership with draft text provided to the membership
after legal review but before the membership discussion meeting. Dan moved to approve funds
needed to engage the attorney to review the draft text. Barb seconded. The motion was
approved by a vote of 3 in favor, none opposed, and none abstaining.
With Florian out of town, John W. volunteered to work with John D. to finalize the proposed
form of a “fishing license item” to show authorization to use the subdivision’s access and
easement for fishing along the Pine River and at the pond in the subdivision. The Board will
finalize descriptive regulatory text once the tag or license item is finalized for the Board’s
consideration. No formal action was taken.
[John Dustin left the meeting.]
Common Space Management: John W. expressed concern about cracks and water damage in
the asphalt near the bridge and mailboxes. He would like to ask Leeder Construction to advise us
on repair. The Board concurred that this would be prudent. John W. reported that Neil’s has us
on their schedule for road work/dust abatement this spring. He will ask them to replace the
culvert and weir in front of the pond and check the outflow of the pond, bid on that if work is
5) Old Business:
Signage: Some new signs have been installed. Additional signs will be installed when the soil
conditions allow. John W. will count the posts needed, and Angie can look into ordering them.
Fishing privileges: Previously considered at this meeting (above).
Wildlife: John W. reported that two beavers at the pond were shot by a DFW employee based
on a reported complaint from a landowner. John was disappointed because plans had been
made to relocate the beavers in the summer when they would survive relocation. John asked
DFW not to shoot beavers in PRR without notifying him to prevent needless shooting of wildlife.
AED/CPR Training: Barb has been in touch with the Red Cross and will schedule an AED/CPR
training for PRRLOA members when weather is better.
Package Box: No action has been taken because weather will not allow construction. Barb will
continue to pursue a cost estimate so that the Board can consider taking action on this issue.
4) New Business:
As information only, Angie reported that a nuisance lawsuit may be filed to address conditions
in the vicinity of and across the road from the burned tavern on Florida Road just west of
Helen’s Store. Discussion was held. No action was taken.
5) The next Board meeting was scheduled for March 11, 2025 at 5:30 pm at the Wickmans’ house,
900 Pine River Ranch Circle.
Dan moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 pm. Barb seconded. There was no additional
discussion, and the motion was approved by a vote of 3 in favor, none opposed or abstaining.
These minutes were taken by Barbara Wickman.
These minutes were reviewed by the Board of Directors and approved by the Board on _
by a vote of in favor, opposed, and abstaining.
Attested by: ____________________