1) The meeting was called to order at 5:32 PM by John Wickman
Board Members in attendance: Dan Holloway, Angie Pommier, Florian Walchak, John Wickman, Barb
Guests: none
2) Minutes: John moved to approve the minutes of the Board meeting on July 9, 2024 as
presented. Florian seconded. There was no further discussion. The motion was approved by a
vote of 5 in favor, none opposed, and none abstaining.
3) Treasurer’s Report:
Florian handed out and reviewed the Treasurer’s Report. The General Account Balance is
approximately $12,819 including the Fish Fun, and the Reserve Account balance is about
$13,643. Florian paid three invoices including Desert Mountains. Outstanding invoices total
about $6000-$7000 including one for our PO Box and one which John has from Leeder
Construction for the crack seal. The Reserve Account will cover most of the cost of a Seal Coat
on the lane’s asphalt. We expect to spend more this fall for a chipper ($500), additional speed
bumps ($600), and possibly some sort of pothole repair. Plus we need to leave a little bit in the
General Account for early season snow removal. Leeder will let us pay some of the cost of the
seal coat in 2025 after annual dues come in.
Florian reviewed all the line items in detail. Dan moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Angie
seconded. There was no additional discussion. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 in favor,
none opposed, and none abstaining.
Barb moved to pay the USPS invoice, Dan seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
John moved to pay the Leeder Construction invoice, Barb seconded, and the motion passed
Florian moved to approve reimbursements to Jeannie Widner (Annual Meeting food) and Duane
Nelson (fuel). John seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
Common Space Committee: The Board has not heard from Duane about when another work day
is scheduled. John will contact Duane to discuss that and also about weed control.
John said he will take Leeder’s check for the crack seal work to them in person and ask when the
seal coat will be done.
Angie reported that she called the County twice about the thistles on the Pick Bar land. Barb
emailed the County and got a reply that Pick Bar was contacted in July and said they would
mow. The county will re-contacted them. Discussion was held about weeds in the subdivision,
and John offered to write a letter to one landowner asking them to mow their weeds.
Discussion was held regarding fishing permits. Florian offered to write up a letter that guests
could be given to carry when they are fishing in our subdivision.
Budget Meeting: The September 7 date was confirmed. Dan agreed to host the meeting in his
barn at 10 am. Barb asked for input regarding the notices.
Speed bumps: Discussion was held regarding speeds bumps. The Board agreed that the PRRLOA
should purchase and manage speed bumps as part of road work and reimburse Pommiers and
others if necessary. Angie will price more speed bumps. Spikes may need to be purchased. The
Board agreed to purchase a sign about speed bumps and to pull them up before snowfall.
Pond use and safety: Angie presented information about signs she has researched. The Board
agreed that a simple sign, fairly large, should be purchased with a message similar to “Use at
your own risk.”
Wildfire risk and homeowner insurance: Discussion was held regarding an additional meeting to
learn about these topics as suggested by Mark Mahlum. Barb will ask Mark to set up the
meeting with Upper Pine FD.
New Business: None
The Board set the September Board meeting for Tuesday, September 10, at 5:30 am at the
Wickman residence (900 Pine River Ranch Circle).
Florian moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:38 pm. Angie seconded. There was no additional
discussion and the motion was approved by a vote of 4 in favor, none opposed or abstaining
These minutes were taken by Barbara Wickman.
These minutes were reviewed by the Board of Directors and approved by the Board on _
by a vote of in favor, opposed, and abstaining.
Attested by: ____________________