The meeting was called to order by President Jim Clay at 7:00 p. m.
Board Members in attendance: Jim Clay, John Dustin, Pat Le Roy. Absent: Rob Mc Laughlin, and Waterman Ormsby, lll. 3 Board members constitute a quorum for the meeting.
Guest – Richard Diedrich
Richard Diedrich reviewed the Bridge Inspection Report. Other inspections occurred in 1988, 1999, 2000, and 2005. Highlights include the following: the abutments are in bad shape; corrosion of the steel members; the East end is not vertical but tilting towards the river; the pier in the middle has scoured and is not considered safe long term. A copy of the Bridge Inspection Report will be mailed/emailed to all landowners in Subd. #1 and #2, plus the other outlying owners who use the bridge. The grant writing process has slowed but Chief Evans is looking for a new grant writer if the former one does not return soon to the Upper Pine Fire Dept. John Dustin was able to assist Richard regarding the valuation of all properties who have access to the bridge. – $26,000,000.00. The recent fire near CR 502 and 245 will have a positive impact on the grant proposal. The FEMA grant will pay 75% of the cost of the new bridge, the Association will be responsible for 25% of the cost. This grant is due Nov. 2018 and awarded in Jan. 2019. Another grant which the Fire Dept. may apply for is the Energy Impact Grant from the oil and gas industry. This grant is two tiered – $200,000.00; $1,000,000.00. La Plata County is the second largest recipient of this grant. The grant is due August 2018 and is awarded Nov. 2018. Chief Evans, if available due the area’s fires, will attend the annual meeting. More information will be supplied at that time. John Dustin suggested that as a stop gap measure an attempt be made to shore up the pier when the river is low and that we attempt to find someone who does grant writing. The Board will investigate what kind of financing would be available to the Association to cover whatever costs may be incurred.
Minutes of May 9, 2018 Meeting – the Minutes were circulated amongst the board members for additions and/or corrections. No changes were reported. The Minutes were posted at the mailboxes and on the website. John Dustin moved that the Minutes be approved as written, second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to approve was 3-0.
Treasurer Report – Pat Le Roy presented the Treasurer report. The Winter Account balance is $3761.99. The General Account balance is $63127.28. Two checks cleared: Pat Le Roy $252.10 for administrative expenses; Goldman, Robbins, Nicholson, and Mack $425.00 for legal fees (CC&R Review committee $375.00, Association $50.00). Deposits: Fish Fund $700.00; Impact Fees $3567.00; 2018 Annual Assessment $430.00.
Liens to be File/Released – One lien for an additional year’s interest and fees will be filed. One Lien will be released. One lien for additional year’s interest and other fees will be filed following the procedure set forth in the CC&Rs.
Invoices to be paid – Pat Le Roy submitted an invoice for CC&R Review from Goldman, Robbins, Nicholson, and Mack for $1475.00. John Dustin moved that this invoice be approved for payment, second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to approve 3-0.
Transfer funds to the Winter Account – Pat Le Roy moved that $2000.00 be transferred to the Winter Account, second by John Dustin. Vote to approve 3-0.
A letter was sent to one Lot owners who have multiple liens filed against their property offering a Payment Plan in accordance with the Policies and Procedures. A response by June 1, 2018 went unnoticed. On Wednesday June 6, 2018 the same landowner brought several checks, each one for $25.00, to be deposited every two weeks for a period of time. This does not meet the criteria described in the Policies and Procedures or the Colorado State document CCIOA. After some discussion, John Dustin moved that the checks be returned to the landowner. A letter will be drafted for the Board’s review that will outline the Payment Plan agreement with a deadline of June 15, 2018. Second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to approve – 3-0. John Dustin will hand deliver both the letter and the checks to the landowners.
CC&Rs Review Committee – the committee met Monday June 4, 2018 at the Le Roy residence to wrap up loose ends and make a few minor revisions to the governing documents. These revisions will be emailed to the attorney for her approval before the documents are sent to the membership. John Dustin moved that the draft of the revisions be sent to the Board for their review and the vote to approve be by email. Second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to approve 3-0. The window to mail/email all annual meeting information is fast approaching.
Design Committee – Terri Bonham delivered a check for the Impact Fee due on the garage that will be built on her property. The committee has approved the plans for the Widner residence.
Impact Fees – Jim Clay will check on a property under construction regarding the Impact Fee.
Chip and Seal – Scheduled for July 9, 2018.
BP Employee fishing – No update to report.
Internet – Jim Clay has found a few areas for the tower to be placed. He will contact the internet company. John Dustin reported that Cedar Network is seeking an easement to install the needed equipment.
New Speed Limit Signs – Pat Le Roy explained that there are no visible 5MPH signs near the bridge and no 20 MPH speed limit sign on Ludwig Drive visible when driving south from Subdivision #1, at the northern end of the Subdivision. John Dustin moved that two 5MPH speed limit signs and one 20 MPH sign be purchased. Second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to approve 3-0.
Annual Meeting Information – the Board reviewed the documents, made some suggestions for changes. A draft of all documents to be mailed/emailed to the members will be emailed to the Board for final approval.
Dust Abatement – A bid will be secured from Desert Mt. for the DP 50 application. A bid from Gosney for road grading, gravel if needed, water truck and a heavy duty roller will be secured. This information will be available for the membership at the annual meeting. Waterman Ormsby lll has contacted Desert Mt. This will be tabled until Waterman Ormsby lll is able to provide this information.
Asphalt Road Easements – John Dustin was able to provide information regarding the easements along Pick Bar Ranch. The easement is 30 feet wide. A second easement from Remmow is from CR 501 to the first curve of the asphalt road. A third easement is 40 ft. sq. between the Pick Bar Easement and the New Age easement.
Mailing Annual Meeting Information – As soon as all governing documents plus the Official Ballot for the Vote for the CC&Rs have been approved by the attorney, copies will be made and mailed. At the same time these documents will be emailed to landowners who have provided the Association with an email address.
Mailing the Bridge Report – Copies of the Bridge Inspection Report and Letter from the President will be mailed/emailed prior to the Annual Meeting information. This is planned to take place next week.
Articles of Incorporation – The attorney has recommended that CC&R Paragraph 22 be added to the document. Discussion and the vote to add the new article to the Articles of Incorporation will be held at the annual meeting.
Policies and Procedures – The Board had previously reviewed the document. After some discussion John Dustin moved that the revised Policies and Procedures be adopted by the Board, second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to adopt was 3-0.
Rules, Regulations and Guidelines – This new document was recommended by the attorney. The Board had previously reviewed this document. After discussion, John Dustin moved that this document be adopted by the Board, second by Pat Le Roy. Vote to adopt was 3-0.
Date for next meeting – Wednesday June 27, 2018 at the Le Roy residence at 7:00 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 9:01 p. m.
These minutes were approved by a vote of ______________ on ______________.
President, Jim Clay Date
Pat Le Roy, Secretary/Treasurer Date