2009 Annual Meeting Minutes
Pine Rivers Ranches Landowners Association
Upper Pine River Fire Station
July 18, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 am by board President Stephanie McCain. Thirty-six
members were present as well as written proxies, which allowed for a business meeting to
convene. Stephanie introduced and thanked the officers, all present, for their hard work and
dedication in serving on the Board for the 2008-09 year. Board members included John Wickman,
Rob McLaughlin, Chip Burkett, and Melissa Kaufmann.
The Secretary Minutes for the 2008 Annual Meeting were read. Jim Clay moved to approve the
Minutes as read. The motion was seconded. All present were in favor. The 2008 Annual Minutes
were approved as read.
Financial Report
Chip Burkett presented the Financial Report for the 2008 and 2009 fiscal years. The fiscal year is
January 1- December 31; therefore the Annual Meeting falls right in the middle of the 2009 fiscal
year. The 2008 report covers how the year 2008 turned out and 2009 where we currently stand to
date. Details of the Report can be viewed on the Neighborhood Website. The total in our General
Account for this fiscal year is $11,234. There is a total of $9,500 that has accumulated over the
years giving us a little over $20,000 cash on hand. Our Association keeps all monies in an interest
bearing account with First National Bank of Durango. A motion was made by John Dustin to
approve the Financial Report as read. Barbara Wickman seconded the motion. The motion was
carried unanimously.
Old Business
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
The covenants, conditions, and restrictions containing our Neighborhood Association by-laws have
been ratified and recorded with La Plata County. We had more than enough votes to approve the
amendments. The Board would like to thank the committee, headed up by Pat LeRoy, for all their
effort in putting this together as well as all association members who contributed to the cost of
having this done. The C, C, and R’s allow us to have legal right to pursue issues that are on the
Emergency Access and Egress
John Dustin reported that modest progress has been made regarding the emergency access.
Following last year’s Annual Meeting, there was a meeting in which four of the five landowners
between Ludwig Drive and County Road 505 attended. They all agreed that the emergency access
was a good idea and that they would cooperate with the process. Since that time, the fifth
landowner was contacted and was also willing to cooperate with that process. The fire department
has assigned Lieutenant Kate Harding to work on this project. Since it is a legal manner, it is now
on the desk of attorney Dirk Nelson to put the manner in legal writing. John will keep in contact
with Lieutenant Harding to pressure the attorney to move forward with the legal steps regarding
this matter. BP is one of the five landowners. John Dustin thinks they will be willing to do the
necessary maintenance and improvements for the access. It will be an on-going process to
improve the emergency access. John is willing to continue to pursue the process. John was
designated last year to be in charge of this and the members present voted unanimously and
thankfully to keep John on this project.
Noxious Weeds
Pat LeRoy has been working with Rod Cook, County Weed Coordinator, for over a year regarding
this issue. Since she was unable to be present at the meeting, Jim Clay made a presentation
informing the Association that a county survey was done on June 16,2009, lot by lot, listing the
types of noxious weeds that are in our Pine River Ranches Neighborhood. He handed out a map
showing where the weeds are growing and brochures on how landowners may care for their
properties. Musk Thistles with the large purple heads seem to be a problem in the pond area and
surrounding properties. The most grievous locations have received a letter from the County
requesting property owners to comply in eliminating the weeds. Methods of treating the problem
were discussed. Since gas or petroleum can contaminate ground water, John Wickman
recommends using an herbicide. He informed us that the Musk Thistle is an annual weed and can
be reduced by plucking off the purple heads. The Russian thistle, which has a lighter purple
flower, is a perennial with deep roots and therefore cannot be dug out. It needs to be sprayed.
Landowners Concerns
John Wickman read a letter from landowner Mr. Richard Rhoades regarding an outlet he had made
to a water ditch that provides water to his property. After discussion, it was determined that his
concern is a decision to be made by and deferred to PRID.
Another letter was read from landowner Mr. Joseph Cassella regarding more attention given to
Richards Drive. The Board reiterated that Richards Drive is a private road and that legally the
Board cannot address his concern. The Board has made attempts to contact Mr. Cassella regarding
this matter, however, we do not have a workable address. Themail comes back as undeliverable.
Richards Drive is private. The Board has used all dues and impact fees received from Richards
Drive landowners to improving the main lane from 501 to Richards Drive.
Stephanie McCain researched all of the minutes back to 1987 regarding Richards Drive. It is not
the PRRLOA property, but the property of Richards Drive landowners. Richards Drive
landowners must vote to have their road brought up to standards to which we can take on the
responsibility ofthe road. In the past, Richards Drive landowners have turned down the
opportunity to incorporate Richards Drive into the Landowners Association as a common property.
Another attempt to contact Mr. Cassella will be attempted as a couple of association members
provided possible lead information to contact him. Richards Drive is currently platted as a private
road, however, there is a process in which it can be incorporated into the Landowners Association
if Richards Drive owners are willing to do so.
New Business
Ludwig Drive Asphalt Section Repair
John Wickman addressed that fact that several potholes have formed in the main lane. The Board
was going to try to get them patched before the Annual Meeting, however, there are options we
thought that needed to be presented to Associations members to establish a consensus on how to
handle the problem.
So far this year, $3450 has been spent on gravel for Ludwig Drive and Pine River Ranch Circle.
The roads seem to be holding up well on those sections. The Board has gotten bids from Four
Corners Materials on pavement for the lane. To repair individual potholes, the cost would run
around $5,855. Pothole repair does not seem to hold up well in the winter, especially if we have a
wet winter. Another option would be to put large patches like we did last year. Each one of the
patches which are approximately 40 feet long and 8 feet wide, run around $2,200. John estimates
that we need about six patches, which would in effect cost around $13,000. The mobilization fee
to get the equipment here would be around $1,000. So, it would require $14,000 to pave
approximately 25-40% of the lane. To pave the entire lane would cost the Association $80,000.
We currently have $20,000 cash on hand.
A discussion followed. It was recommended to gather more quotes. The Board would like to
support local companies in La Plata County. John will get other bids based on Association
members’ recommendations, however the longer we wait, the larger the holes will get. Gravel has
not held up well in the past like the patches have this past year. Patches are estimated to hold up 3-
4 years. As the construction traffic lessens, there should be less wear and tear on the road.
Ruben Sanchez raised a question about what engineers have said about in the past regarding the
problem. It was recommended by engineers in the past to excavate soft spots and rebuild the road,
however, the patches seem to have mitigated those spots. Pat Watson asked about having the
deterioration of the gravel around the mailboxes looked into and how that area may be improved.
The bridge and how well it is holding up was also discussed. A possible suggestion to place a
patch before and after the bridge was also brought up, however, that would incur further costs.
A motion was made by John Dustin to approve up to $15,000 for asphalt repair, which includes a
$1,000 mobilization fee. The motion was passed and seconded. John Wickman will gather other
bids and would appreciate names of any other asphalt companies. There was no further discussion.
Pond Maintenance and Pond Fund
There was discussion regarding adding a line item in the budget for pond maintenance particularly
for the culvert that will eventually need to be replaced. Richard Diedrich estimated $10,000 would
be needed to replace the eroding culvert. Currently, the ground is eroding around the corrugated
pipe. Mr. Diedrich suggested that proceeds from the current pond fund might be used to hire an
engineer to assess the situation.
Currently we have $200 allocated each year toward pond maintenance.
A motion was made for the new board to immediately take action on getting expert information on
how to deal with the potential pond problem. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Proposal for New Budget Items
Neighborhood Clean Up
There was a discussion regarding setting funds aside for an annual Neighborhood Clean-up Day
where the Association would rent a roll-off for $650-700 for a week to get rid of brush and other
accumulated rubbish/land fill matter. Following discussion, there was a unanimous “No” to this
Fish Derby
Jim Clay discussed how for the past five years, private donations have been given to stock the
pond and river with approved fish hatchery fish. He thanked landowner members for their past
donations and encouraged future donations. At times monies are needed for community activities
such as the Fish Derby, Annual Party, and decorating the bridge for the holidays. He asked about
including a line item in the budget for these kinds of expenses. A motion was made to not have
these as a line item. The Board may make decisions according to their discretion of amounts not to
exceed $300. The motion was seconded and a majority carried the motion.
Open Discussion
Landowners were permitted up to three minutes to ask questions or share comments.
John Dustin had radon testing done in two’ locations of his house. One area was elevated but then
dropped with proper mitigation. He recommended members to contact San Juan Basin that will
offer test canisters at a modest cost or for free. Since there is a prospect of having radon gas in our
homes (radon is a carcinogen), it is wise to get the test done to see if your home is receiving proper
ventilation or in need of mitigation.
Andy Young asked the Board to clarify the last sentence ofMr. Rhoades letter regarding the outlet
he had dug. John Dustin reiterated that the letter should be filed and not involve the Association
since it is a PRID issue.
One member warned landowners to beware of bears in the neighborhood. Cubs have been seen. It
was recommended that trash cans not be left outside to attract bears and other animals.
It was advised that people drive the speed limit across the bridge.
Closing Comments
Rob McLaughlin recapitulated the success of the current Board in the finalizing of the PRRLOA
Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions as well as collecting annual assessments, so that the New
Board would not have as many major projects on their plate. The main focus for the new 2009-
2010 Board seems to be the Pond and preparing for future maintenance and improvements.
Therefore, the following accepted the privilege to be nominated as officers for the new Board in
Carla Tanner
Mike Walcher
Barbara/John Wickman
Jim Clay
Richard Diedrich
John Dustin made a motion to close the nominations. A majority moved in favor of these
individuals to be on the new Board. The motion was carried. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15
Respectively Submitted by Melissa Kaufmann
Board Secretary