2/13/2013 Board Minutes



18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO 81122



The meeting was called to order by President Shane French at 7:00 p.m.  Members present:  Richard Young and Pat LeRoy.  Member Dick Benzie arrived after the start of the meeting.  Guest:  Judy Clark.


The Minutes from the January 9, 2013 monthly meeting were emailed to all board members for additions and/or corrections.  Typo corrections were made prior to the minutes being posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  Richard Young moved that the minutes be approved as corrected; second by Shane French.  The vote to approve the minutes was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer report.  The balance in the Winter Account is $3480.40.  One check to Mark Webber for snow removal $875.00 cleared.  The balance in the General Account is $22130.20.  Deposits totaled $12785.05; one check to Pat LeRoy for reimbursement of expenses for postage, filing liens, and release of liens $226.00 cleared.  The balance in the Special Assessment account is $22616.95.  Deposits totaled $540.93 including interest.  The liens filed against Lot #59 were paid in full at the closing.  Richard Young moved that the Treasurer report be approved; second by Shane French.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


SPECIAL ASSESSMENT – As of this date 6 liens have been filed for non-payment of the special assessment; 2 landowners have made partial payments; 1 landowner is disputing the special assessment; and 2 landowners in Subd. #1 have not paid.  One landowner had negotiated a 3 installment pay plan.  Only one payment has been made.  Late payment emails have been sent with no response.  A lien will be filed for the balance of the Special Assessment and will include interest and penalty on the unpaid balance, and filing fees.


The Board received a letter from a Landowner disputing the Special Assessment.  This lot is located on Richards Drive.  Pat LeRoy will do some research to find legal documents showing that Richards Drive is a private driveway.  She will draft a letter in response and email it to Board members for their approval before mailing.



2013 ANNUAL ASSESSMENT – Subd. # 1 – 6 lots have not paid; 1 Alpha lot has not paid; Subd# 2 – 24 lots have not paid.  Notices of delinquency will be mailed.




One lien paid has a balance remaining for interest, filing fees, and penalty.  A letter will be sent to notify the landowner that the interest and penalty will be waived if the costs associated with filing and releasing the lien and the postage are paid.


Receipts will be mailed to those landowners who have made partial payments showing the remaining balance due.


Total amount of liens filed as of 2-13-2013 is $7371.18.


A letter was mailed to a landowner who has several liens filed against the property. The Board offered to meet with the landowner to discuss a payment plan.  There has been no response from the landowner. The Board, after some discussion of  possible actions, took no action at the meeting.  More information is needed.



INVOICES TO BE PAID – Pat LeRoy presented two invoices for payment:  Mark Webber – $575.00 for snow removal; Pat LeRoy – $218.65 reimbursement for expenses related to release of liens, postage, lien filing fees. Richard Young moved that these invoices be approved for payment; second by Richard Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


FIRE MITIGATION/ EMERGENCY EXIT – Shane French, Pat LeRoy and Richard Diedrich met with Fire Chief Evans and Travis (fire mitigation point person) to discuss the plans for spring mitigation.  The cost remains the same, $470.00 per acre of mitigation.  Letters will be sent to Landowners of Lots 71 – 82 to inform them of the current monies available; that a contract with the Fire Department must be signed before work begins; and a contact number for the Fire Chief.  Richard Diedrich is the Fire Wise contact person for Fire Mitigation.


The area around the pond will be mitigated.  The Fire Department will also have the pond certified for drafting which should reduce home owners insurance once the process is completed.


The Emergency Exit to the south is possible in case of fire.  An alternate exit to the north would be needed in case the river floods.  This  north exit would require more road work to make it passable.  Everyone continues to work on this project.


BRIDGE BOLTS – with the weather improving Richard Benzi will attempt to replace the bolts next week.  He will provide proof of insurance and a written bid.


ROAD WORK/DUST ABATEMENT – work is tentatively scheduled to begin April 16, 2013, weather permitting.


ASPHALT – Shane French will contact Precision Asphalt for a bid to finish the lane to the bridge and seal the asphalt.


FISH FUND – A catch and release policy applies to both the river and the pond.  It is going to be costly to re-stock the river and the pond.  Donations to the Fish Fund may be made to PRRLA, P. O. BOX 602, Bayfield, CO 81122.  Shane French and his sons did a walk down the river and report that they found 3 ½ fish – 2 were swimming, 1 was dead, and one was being eaten by an eagle.  Water will be released from the dam later than usual this year.




Pat LeRoy reported that some of the postings she places at the mailboxes are disappearing almost as soon as they are posted.  Richard Benzi moved that inquiries be made into the cost of a locked bulletin board; second by Richard Young.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Two barrels filled with sand to be used for traction purposes on icy roads was discussed.  One would be placed near the uphill part of the lane approaching CR 501, the other near the mailboxes.  Richard Young moved that the Board provide sand for traction during the icy road conditions; second by Richard Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


CPR CLASS – February 22, 2013 at Shane French residence at 7:00 p.m.




Pat LeRoy asked that the Board obtain an email address just for the Board to email letters, invoices, and notices to landowners.  Shane French will look into this.




A resident is dissatisfied with the snow plowing; plowing needs to be started earlier; when the ice becomes slushy have it plowed before it freezes.


Judy Clark asked for a clearer definition of fishing rights on the river.  The CC&R’s state that landowners in Subd. #2 may fish the river and that landowners along the river can not deny access to the river.  There is a fishing easement on the west side of the river.  Fishermen should be courteous and ask for permission to cross property lines while fishing.


Other activities of concern were expressed. The Board took no action since these do not involve a violation of the CC&Rs or By-laws.


The next meeting is March 6, 2013, 7:00 pm, at the LeRoys, 18 Pine River Ranch Circle.


Richard Young moved that the meeting be adjourned; second by Richard Benzi.  Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p. m.


These minutes were approved by a vote of ________________on__________________________.



Shane French, President                                                         Date




Pat LeRoy, Secretary/Treasurer                                             Date