12/8/2011 Board Minutes






The meeting was called to order by President Jim Clay at 7:15 p.m. Board members present:  Shane French, Richard Young, and Pat LeRoy.  Richard Diedrich was absent.  The following guests joined the meeting while in progress:  Chris and Melissa Kaufmann, and Mitch and Kandyce Higgins.


The minutes had been distributed to the Board by e-mail and posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  There were no corrections.  Richard Young moved that the minutes be approved; second by Shane French.  The motion was approved unanimously.


Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer’s report.  There was no activity in the Winter Account except for interest of $.12.  The balance is $2698.69. The General Account deposits totaled $1400.29.  One check was written to Southwest Ag for $374.70 for the rental of equipment to mow the weeds alongside the road.  The balance is $7,181.11.   Richard Young moved that the Treasurer’s report be approved as presented, second by Shane French.  The motion was approved unanimously.


Pat LeRoy reported that one payment had been received for the Bridge Assessment.  Notices to file a Lien will be mailed to Landowners who have not paid the Special Assessment.  Jim Clay asked Pat to compile a list of all Liens that have been filed against Lot 84, 73 Richards Drive.


The 2012 Annual Assessment notices were mailed December 1, 2011 and are due by January 1, 2012.


No invoices were submitted for payment.




The road signs have been installed.


Richard Diedrich reported by e-mail regarding the Emergency Exit: he will be meeting with Butch Knowlton in the next few days to view the route and decide if clearing needs to be done.  On Fire Mitigation:  he will meet with Bruce Short to put together a timetable for mitigation.


Pat LeRoy reported that the Fire Department did mitigation on her property.  They will do more mitigation when they are able to plow a fire break between her other lot and Lot #8.









Pat LeRoy had revised the proposed 2012 Budget which keeps the 2012 Annual Assessment at the same rate as 2011.  Richard Young moved that the 2012 Budget be approved as revised, second by Shane French.  The motion was approved unanimously.


Shane French reported that the mowing went well and he did have to repair the equipment.  In the spring was tree trimming and tall grass needs to be addressed.  Chris Kaufmann offered to help with the project and suggested that no toxic chemicals be used.  The neighbors to the north and south of the lane will be contacted prior to any work being done.  Weed mitigation will be added to the January agenda for more discussion and planning.




Chris Kaufmann presented revised plans and pictures for the installation of a grow dome, fence and improvements to the chicken coop and woodshed.  The Grow Dome is considered to be a temporary structure which is easily moved and doesn’t need an Ag permit.  The dome will be heated by solar power.   The fence will be constructed of either barn wood or milled wood and set inside the property line.  The same material will be used to face the chicken coop and the woodshed.  The plan includes planter boxes in front of the fence constructed of river rock.  Chris had contacted his immediate neighbors except for Merl Schafer and received no adverse comments.  Mitch and Kandyce Higgins spoke in support of the plans.  The CC&Rs regarding set backs were discussed and Chris assured the Board that he would follow those guidelines.  Richard Young moved that the revised plans submitted by Chris Kaufmann be approved with the assurance that the CC&Rs set back guidelines will be followed.  Shane French seconded the motion.  The vote to approve was unanimous.  The impact fee of 1.2% will be billed once the cost has been determined and provided to the Board by Chris Kaufmann.


The Year End report to all Landowners will include the Fire Mitigation Plan, 2012 Budget, Year End Financial Report, and letter from the President, and will be mailed by January 31, 2012.


Items suggested for discussion at the Annual Meeting include  weed mitigation, and the number of liens that have been filed for past due Annual Assessments, Special Assessment for the Culvert, and the Special Assessment for the Bridge repair.


The next meeting will be January 12, 2012 at the LeRoy residence.


Richard Young moved that the meeting be adjourned, second by Shane French.  The vote was unanimous.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


The Board approved these minutes by a vote of _________on__________________.


Jim Clay, President                                                                 Date



Pat LeRoy, Secretary                                                              Date