10/9/2013 Board Minutes





The meeting was called to order by Vice President Mark Pommier at 7:05 p.m.


Board members present – Mark Pommier, Richard Young, Pat LeRoy, and Richard Benzi.  Shane French will join the meeting by phone after the Treasurer Report.


Guests present – Glen Watson and Leah Dirksen


The minutes had been emailed to all board members for additions and corrections.  Once approved, they were posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  Richard Young moved that the minutes be approved; second by Richard Benzi.  The vote to approve was 4 – 0.


Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer Report.  The balance in the General Account as of today is $5037.05.  Deposits for August totaled $640.11.  Deposits for September totaled $2505.16.  This includes the collection of $2505.05 for liens on the McMahon property Lot #58.   Cleared checks include $450.00 for the pond repair and $44.00 for the Post Office Box rental.  There was no active in the Winter Account and that balance is $2430.71.  Richard Young moved that the Treasurer Report be approved, second by Richard Benzi. The vote to approve was 4-0.


At this point Pat LeRoy contacted Shane French by phone and he was in attendance by phone which was on speaker mode.




Leah Dirksen volunteered to contact all Landowners with liens currently filed on their property.  She reported this information:

She had placed calls to both Michael Clark and Rod Potter, leaving messages but had not heard anything from them.

She visited the residence of Karen and Julio Goicoechea on three different occasions but no one answered the door.

She received a call from Yolanda Avalos inquiring about the liens on her property and stated that she had never received notice and wanted a copy of all charges.  Leah conveyed this request to Pat LeRoy who made copies of the requested information and sent the copies to Ms. Avalos by certified mail since she was not in town. Leah had several other conversations with her but nothing was resolved.


Richard Benzi presented Ms. Avalos request to the Board that she pay 50% of the Lien charges and the Board absorb the remaining 50% of the charges.  She would pay both of the 2013 Annual Assessments and the Special Assessments for Road Work/Dust Abatement for both lots #51 and #52.  She felt that this would clear the lien situation and she would also pay the 2014 Annual Assessment for both lots in advance.


The Board discussed tabling the discussion of these proposals for 2 weeks in order to put together the necessary figures and facts so the Board could make an informed decision.  At this point, Richard Benzi had been instructed by Ms. Avalos that if her proposals were not accepted, to destroy the checks he had in hand, which he did.


After much discussion, Richard Young moved that the Board accept the $900.00 payment for the 2013 Annual Assessment and the Special Assessment Road Work/Dust Abatement for both lots #51 and 52, and accept payment of $635.00 which represents 50% of the Lien Charges.  The vote to approve was Yes by the 3 Board Members present and Yes by Shane French who was on speaker phone.  Richard Benzi did not vote since he was in fact representing Yolanda Avalos.  Richard Benzi is to take this proposal to Ms. Avalos which is the same proposal conveyed by Ms. Avalos to the Board via Richard Benzi.


Regarding the other liens, Richard Young moved that discussion be tabled until the next meeting at which time other avenues of collection be discussed; second by Richard Benzi.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


At this point Shane French was no longer in attendance by phone.


The invoice for the road grading and the roller had not been received as of today.  Pat LeRoy will email all Board members asking for approval to pay when it is received.




Fire Mitigation and Emergency Exit – Richard Diedrich continues to work on these items.

Culvert on the Lane – it needs to be cleaned

Pond Repair – repairs have been made and the water level has risen.

Parking Area on Lane – no donations were received to proceed with this project.

Mowing along Lane – there is no need to mow




Snow removal – only one bid was received, Precision Asphalt at $85.00 hr.  Pat LeRoy will contact Precision for a copy of the proposal.

2014 Annual Assessment – The Board discussed the necessity of raising the Annual Assessment.  The costs for gravel, grading, and asphalt have risen over the past few years.  By increasing the assessment 20%, both the asphalt road and the gravel roads may be maintained yearly instead of every other year.    Richard Young moved that the 2014 Annual Assessment be increased 20%, second by Pat LeRoy.  The vote to approve was 3 Yes, 1 No.

Letter to Landowners:  Stress the importance of attending the annual meeting or sending in the proxy.  Projects for next year – sealing the asphalt lane, additional dust abatement on gravel road and adding gravel where needed if funds are available.  Contact information needs to be updated.

Computer – Pat LeRoy reported that the computer currently being used for HOA accounting is beginning to act up and shuts down while she is working.  Mark Pommier moved that $500.00 be approved for a new computer and software; second by Richard Benzi.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  Pat LeRoy will shop for a computer and software and use the Tax ID# to save money.





Richard Benzi voiced concern about the barb wire fence on Dick Leming’s Lot #41.  Richard Benzi will contact Leming about removing the fence.


During the meeting Glen Watson voiced his concern about the current Board serving another 1 year term.  There was no election of Board of Directors at July’s meeting since there was not a quorum to hold an annual meeting or a quorum to hold a meeting.  (By-Laws 2.10 Quorum and Action).   Referring to the By-Laws Directors 3.2 Number and Tenure- the second sentence reads:  Each Director shall hold office until the next annual meeting of members or until his successor shall have been elected and qualified.


Glen Watson also voiced his concern about the Board waiving certain lien charges.  Referring again to the By-Laws, 3.1 Directors – General Powers – The business and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by its Board of Directors.  It is the Board’s position that it can negotiate contracts, payments of invoices, and compromises where lien charges are of a concern.


The Board appreciates Glen Watson’s attention to detail and the Landowners Association.


The next meeting will be Nov. 13, 2013, at the LeRoy residence, 7:00 p.m.


Richard Young moved that the meeting be adjourned, second by Richard Benzi.  The vote to adjourn was unanimous.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 p. m.


These minutes were approved by a vote of __________________on____________________.



Shane French, President                                             Date



Pat LeRoy, Secretary/Treasurer                                 Date