Minutes – PRRLOA Board Meeting 6 October 2020



WALCHAK RESIDENCE, 726 Pine River Ranch Circle,  Bayfield, CO  81122

The meeting was called to order by President, Chip Burkett at 6:31 P.M.

Board of Directors present: Chip Burkett, Florian Walchak and Jeanie Widner

Guest: Richard Diedrich

MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER, 16, 2020 – Jeanie moved the minutes be approved, Florian seconded.  Vote to approve 3-0.

MINUTES OF ANNUAL BUDGET MEETING, OCTOBER, 3, 2020 – Florian moved to approve, Jeanie seconded.  Vote to approve 3-0.

TREASURER REPORT – Florian Walchak presented the treasurers’ report and said there really wasn’t much new to report since the budget meeting.  Bank statements for this month have not been received yet, so this report does not reflect those. 

GENERAL ACCOUNT balance is $14,343.72

WINTER ACCOUNT balance is $4,814.79

RESERVE ACCOUNT balance is $12,028.16

INVOICES TO BE PAID – $200.00 to Wells Group for land appraisal

RECEIVABLES – Annual Assessments to date – $33,652.00

                                Impact fees – $4220.00

                                Lien Payments- $649.30

LIEN STATUS-  $3,174.53 outstanding balance

FISH FUND – $785.00

Jeanie Widner moved for approval of the treasurers’ report.  Florian seconded.  Vote to approve 3-0.

Florian moved to approve payment to the Wells Group.  Jeanie Seconded.  Voted to approve 3-0.

DESIGN COMMITTEE – No report.  There was a question about whether a mother-in-law structure was permissible on lots within the subdivision.  They are not prohibited by subdivision rules but the county would need to be consulted.

EMERGENCY ACCESS COMMITTEE – Richard Diedrich reported that Larry Lange has reconsidered and does NOT want to grant access through his property for an emergency exit road.  A few years ago John Dustin and Richard Diedrich had talked to the Magee family about access through their property on the south border of the subdivision property to CR 505.  PRFD Chief, Evans, is pushing for that.  The road would go through the Magee property and then through the adjoining ranch and would probably need some improvements.  There was discussion and Richard stated that the committee would pursue this option and report back.

AED – Richard Diedrich said that after exploring all options, Heart Safe seems to be the best one.  They provide an 8-year warranty, regular maintenance of the devices, discounted pads and battery replacement and free training for up to 6 people per device purchased.  Training is required and includes training on the device and it’s operation as well as CPR.  Heart Safe monitors the use through an alert system which provides notification to the neighborhood ‘on call’ individual when there is a 911 call to local paramedics, so that the ‘on call’ individual can take the unit to the needed location and assist in the emergency.  Richard recommended that the Subdivision purchase 2 units right away.  Each unit will cost $1410.00, which includes the unit and an accompanying supply pack.  We do not need to pay for them until they arrive.  The team must be trained and certified within 30 days of receipt of the units.  Richard Diedrich volunteered to be the Administrator of the group.  He said there are already 3 people who have committed to the team:  Himself, Jeremy Luman and Vicky Mullins.  Florian stated that he was also willing to serve on the team.  We can have up to 12 people, so there is still room for others.  Florian said this was approved for the 2021 budget and we have available funds in the budget now so he moved we give Richard the go ahead to order the 2 units.  Jeanie seconded.  Vote to approve 3-0.


              Budget meeting was held on Saturday, October 3, 2020.  A recap of the meeting was shared.

              We have the official letter concerning bridge ownership from Joe Ford.  (See att.)  J.D. Burke from PRFD is moving forward with Goff engineering and ERO Resources on the required studies to qualify for the FEMA grant.  No new word on the well capping yet.  Florian plans to have the bank include the pond lot into the collateral for the loan just to see what the largest amount would be for a loan.  If it is large enough we might not need to go with the USDA loan.  He is still trying to get paperwork from FEMA stating that they are committed to their 75% reimbursement

              Road maintenance and common space maintenance last year represented 94% of our budget.

              We received road impact fees for construction on Lots 8 & 9.


              There was no new business

DATE FOR NEXT BAORD MEETING – is Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at the Walchak Residence at 6:30 P.M.


              Jeanie moved to adjourn and Florian seconded.  Vote approved at 7:31 P.M.

These minutes were approved by a vote of ____________________on_________________________________________________

CHIP BURKETT, PRESIDENT                                                                                                              DATE

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________JEANIE WIDNER, SECRETARY                                                                                                            DATE