Minutes – PRRLOA Board Meeting – 18 January 2022


BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING – January 18, 2022 – 5:30 P.M.


The meeting was called to order by President, Chip Burkett at 5:40 p.m.

Board members present were:  Chip Burkett, Florian Walchak, Dan Holloway, and Jeanie Widner

Guests: None

Approval of minutes from the board meeting of December 7, 2021

              Dan moved the minutes be approved as presented, Florian seconded and the vote passed 4-0.

Treasurer’s Report

Florian presented the treasurer’s report: End of year 2021 and beginning of 2022.

GENERAL ACCOUNT BALANCE – $18,578.14 (previous month: $4,126.74)

WINTER ACCOUNT BALANCE – $2,519.66 (previous month; $2,519.45)

RESERVE ACCOUNT BALANCE – $13,829.55 (previous month; $13, 828.38)

BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT ACCOUNT – $3000.31 (previous month – $3000.23)


Neil’s Excavation: $2,310.00 (Snow Removal: 12/15/2021 – $825.00, 12?21/2021 – $170.00, !/3/2022 – $1,315.00)

Jim Clay: $47.69 (pothole repair material)


To WINTER ACCOUNT: need to transfer $2500.00 from GENERAL ACCOUNT to WINTER ACCOUNT in accordance with the 2022 Budget

To RESERVE ACCOUNT: need to transfer $2,217.79 from GENERAL ACCOUNT to RESERVE ACCOUNT to repay for road maintenance expense; Need to transfer $4000.00 from GENERAL ACCOUNT to RESERVE ACCOUNT in accordance with the 2022 Budget

To GENERAL ACCOUNT:  need to transfer $5,751.50 from BRIDGE PROJECT ACCOUNT to GENERAL ACCOUNT to repay account for line-of-credit closing fees.


Assessments: $19,952.00 (for 2022 assessment year; includes payments made in December 2021)

Donation for lane repair effort: $300.

Impact Fees: $2,074.00

Lien Payments: $0.00

LIEN STATUS :  all liens paid in full

FISH FUND – Carry-over and new donation of $100.  $2,036.00

Jeanie moved to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented, Dan seconded and vote to approve was 4-0.

Jeanie moved to pay outstanding invoices and authorize the needed transfers.  Florian seconded and vote to approve was 4-0.


Chip reported the committee will be starting up again soon to review their documents to update and propose changes.

Emergency Access Committee – no report

AED Committee – no report

Common Space Maintenance Committee – Chip reported that Duane is doing a great job overseeing the snow removal and sanding of our roads.  The culvert work is delayed by winter weather.  There are lots of tree limbs down from the heavy snowfall along our roadways.  We will need to do clean-up when the weather permits.


              Bridge Replacement – Florian reported that GEO TECH has drilled down and hit bedrock at 35 feet.  They took soil samples and studies and analysis has commenced.  J.D. Burke from the PRRFD is hoping for a preliminary bridge design to review in February.  Everything is on track according to the time-line projected.  Chip and Florian signed paperwork at the Bank of Colorado for the $200,000.00 line-of-credit loan closing.  From this point forward, FEMA will pay 75% of all future bills and PRRLA will pay 25%.

IKAV Lots – Miles from IKAV and JD Burke are working together on the capping of the wells at the bridge site.

Welcome Packets – Jeanie submitted a cover letter to go with the Association Documents that will be put into a packet to be presented to new residents.  There was discussion and tweaking and the Board approved.  Packets will be printed out and put together for future distribution.



Date for next Board Meeting is February 15, 2022 at the Walchak Residence at 5:30 P.M.

Dan moved the meeting be adjourned at 6:32 P.M., Florian seconded and vote to approved was 4-0.  

These minutes were approved by a vote of ___________ on _________________________________________


                           CHIP BURKETT, PRESIDENT                                                            DATE


JEANIE WIDNER, SECRETARY                                                         DATE