Minutes – PRRLOA Board Meeting 14 January 2020




MEETING CALLED TO ORDER – Jim Clay called to the meeting to order at 7:07p.m.

BOARD MEMBER PRESENT – Jim Clay, Florian Walchak, Chip Burkett, Pat Le Roy.  Susan Wells was absent.

GUESTS – No guests were present

MINUTES FROM NOVEMBER 12, 2019 – The minutes were emailed to all Board members for their review and any additions and/or corrections.  The minutes were posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  Florian Walchak moved that the minutes be approved, second by Chip Burkett.  The vote to approve the minutes was 4-0.

TREASURER REPORT –  Florian Walchak presented the Treasurer Report.  The General Account balance is $24290.71 with 2 debits totaling $24.98 GoDaddy for the website and one credit of $3.83 interest.  The Winter Account balance is $1609.49 with one credit of $.42 interest.  The Reserve Account balance is $8018.42 with one credit of $2.11 interest.  Chip Burkett moved that the Treasurer Report be approved as presented, second by Pat Le Roy.  Vote to approve 4-0.

INVOICES TO BE PAID – Florian Walchak presented one invoice from Neil’s for snow removal for $1350.00.  Upon review the hourly rate is questioned and Florian will contact Neil’s for a corrected invoice.  Chip Burkett moved that the corrected invoice be approved with a limit of $1350.00, second by Florian Walchak. Vote to approve 4-0.

REVIEW OF LIENS – Pat Le Roy reported that Lot 87 was to close Friday November 11, 2019.  The title company will collect the total amount of the liens plus the 2020 Annual Assessment and mail the check to the Association.   There then will be one remaining lien for $649.30.  A letter offering a payment plan was mailed to the landowner but there has been no response. 


BRIDGE UPDATE – There is no new news to report.  The Board discussed that a meeting with Chief Evans would be warranted at this point in time.  Richard Diedrich will contact Chief Evans.

LINE OF CREDIT – No update                                                                                            

SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR BRIDGE REPLACEMENT – The Board is not able to determine the amount of the Special Assessment until the final costs are known.

DESIGN COMMITTEE – Nothing to report at this time.

YEAR END MAILING – The mailing will go out January 25, 2020 with these items to be included:  letter from the President, Year end Financial update, 2020 Roster.

LETTERS – 3 letters were mailed to 3 different landowners.  To date there has been no response from any of the 3 landowners.  These letters were for an unfinished roofing project, rudeness to fishermen on the river, and an offer of a payment plan to settle the lien.


BP LOTS #82, 89 – BP gifted these two lots to the Association in place of the easements we were asking for.  This will simplify the placement of the bridge and the location of the construction staging area.  Florian Walchak will contact the Assessor’s office to have the lots classified as tax exempt.  Pat Le Roy will draft a letter of thanks to BP and email it to the board members for their review prior to mailing.

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES COLLECTIONS – Pat Le Roy had reviewed the Collection section and felt that no changes were necessary.  She did ask the other board members to review it as well.

VERIZON – No action needed.

EASEMENTS – The Board discussed the number of easements that grant access to CR 501 via Ludwig Drive in Pine River Ranches Subd. #2.  The Board decided that the attorney should review the easements.  Chip Burkett moved that Pat Le Roy send a letter to the attorney regarding easements, second by Florian Walchak.  Pat Le Roy will draft the letter and email it to the board members for their review before the letter is emailed to the attorney. Vote to approve 4-0.

NEXT MEETING DATES – February 11, March 10, April 7.  All meetings to be at the Le Roy residence at 7:00 p.m.


These minutes were approved ________________________by a vote _________________.   


President Jim Clay                                 Date

Secretary Pat Le Roy                             Date