Minutes – PRRLOA Board Meeting – 14 April 2021




The meeting was called to order by President, Chip Burkett at 6:30 P.M.

Board Members present: Chip Burkett, Jeremy Luman, Florian Walchak, Susan Wells and Jeanie Widner

Guest: John Dustin and Richard Diedrich

MINUTES OF March 10, 2021 – Florian moved the minutes be approved, Jeremy seconded.  Vote to approve 5-0.

TREASURER REPORT – Treasurer, Florian Walchak presented the Treasurers report.

              GENERAL ACCOUNT balance is $24,022.47 (previous month: $21,294.41)

                           March deposits: $0.00

                           March debits: $51.98 (new checks and GoDaddy (website expense)

                           March interest: $2.07

              WINTER ACCOUNT balance is $2,757.74 (previous month: $4137.37)

                           March deposits: $0.00

                           March debits: $1,380.00

                           March interest: $0.37

              RESERVE ACCOUNT balance is $16,035.99 (previous month: $16,034.54)

                           March deposits: $0.00

                           March debits: $0.00

                           March interest: $1.45

              INVOICES TO BE PAID

                           $240.00 – Neil’s Excavation for snow removal

                           $30.30 – Jeanie Widner reimbursement for administrative expenses

                           $687.00 – American Family Insurance for general liability and                                                               directors insurance


                           To Winter Acct. – N/A

                           To Reserve Account – N/A


                           2021 Annual Assessment: $32,779 (96 lots out of 102 pd. – $1621                                               short) 

              IMPACT FEES

                           Anticipating payments from Lot S2-57 and Lot S2-51

              LIEN STATUS

                           1 current lien for $3,175.53

              FISH FUND

                           Total: $1686

                            2021 contributions to date – $900

              Susan moved the treasurer’s report be approved as presented, Jeremy seconded, vote to approve 5-0.

              Susan moved to approve payment of outstanding invoices, Florian seconded, vote to approve 5-0.

              Jeremy moved the board file a new lien on the property in arrears, as liens expire after 6 years.  Susan seconded. Vote to approve5-0.

DESIGN COMMITTEE – The committee received the plans for Lot S2-51 and approved them.  Florian will forward the approval letter to them and request their building permit to calculate and collect the impact fee.  Chip wants to put the procedure for building in writing for the next people who serve on the board and committees to know the process.  He will get with Teri Bonham to put something about the procedure in writing.  John Dustin asked what the board had found out from our lawyer about the project on the property he has presented a concern about.  Florian is still waiting to hear back from the lawyer and Chip will contact the homeowner about the new development.


AED COMMITTEE – Richard Diedrich reported things are well in place and when he has been out of town, he has left the unit with another member of the team.  There have been no calls yet.  Jeremy asked if the team might be able to have a test run.


BRIDGE REPLACEMENT – Florian reported that it is a definite go. 
The FEMA grant has been formally approved, and he is waiting for an official document from them in order to go to our bank and start the loan process.  Florian and JD Burke are working on the draft of the RFB (request for bid).  They are assuming the bid will be prefab, single span.  It will be a double lane with guardrails, paved.  Bids should be in by the end of May.  We are putting the 3 lots the PRRLA owns us as collateral (2 lots BP gifted to us and the pond lot).  Florian will open a separate account to be used for the bridge exclusively.  We should have the firm numbers for landowners share of the expense by the annual meeting and if all goes as planned, we will have a new bridge by the fall.

LETTERS FOR NOTIICE OF VIOLATIONS AND CONCERNS – Chip had prepared and sent to all board members for their review, a suggested addition to our Policy and Procedures explaining the use of the 2 letters the board adopted for use at the January 2021 meeting.  Jeanie moved we approve the change to P&P, Florian seconded and vote to approve was 5-0.  Jeanie brought up a new concern which had been brought to her attention by numerous residents and Jeremy moved, Jeanie seconded and the board voted 5-0 that a Request for Action letter be sent to the landowners addressing the concerns.

MAILBOX REPAIR – Chip reported new frame is completed and will be installed soon, as weather permits.


              Richard Diedrich first wanted to thank Jeremy Luman, Duane Nelson, Florian Walchak and Chip Burkett for their work on the pond to stop the sever leak that had formed.  Roadbase was added and for now, it has allowed the pond to fill back up to a normal level.  There is still a slight leak at the spill way.  Jeremy is going to add some more roadbase and Florian is researching a pond polymer that should seal the leak for a cost of about $600., which Florian stated is in the budget.  Jeremy moved, Susan seconded and the board voted 5-0 to approve the purchase of more base course gravel for the leaking area, not to exceed $150.00

              Richard told the board that they would be replacing the roof on their house and would be adding a solar system of the east side of the new roof.

              As a final concern, Richard said he felt there was a need to address the behavior of some people in the neighborhood as it pertained to the pond and the members use of it.  He shared many concerning behaviors they had witnessed and expressed concern for the liability issues the PRRLA might be risking if the behavior was left unchecked.  There was lots of discussion and it was a general consensus of the board members that a letter to PRRLA members be sent reminding them of the Pond usage and restrictions, as well as general good neighbor behaviors.  There was also agreement that there is a need for more signage, both at the entrance to the subdivision and at the pond, which would state, among other items, that it is for residents use only.  Richard asked how to go about addressing other covenant violations within the subdivision.  He was told to notify the board.  The Board will follow up and as appropriate, letters will be sent to the landowners who appear to be in violation, asking them to correct the problem.

DATE FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING – Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at the Walchak Residence at 6:30 P.M.


Susan moved to adjourn at 8:25 PM and Florian seconded.  Vote approved 5-0.

These minutes were approved by a vote of


CHIP BURKETT, PRESIDENT                                                                    DATE

_________________________________________________________________________________________________JEANIE WIDNER, SECRETARY                                                                  DATE