Minutes of PRRLOA Board Meeting – 12 February 2019



18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, Co 81122

(LeRoy’s Residence)


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Jim Clay, PRRLOA Board Chairman.

Board of Directors present: Jim Clay, Chairman; Pat LeRoy, Treasurer; Florian Walchak, Secretary; Susan Wells, Member. Chip Burkett was absent on business travel

Guests: Richard Diedrich, Danielle Coronado, Sean Devereaux, Judy Clarke

Approve minutes from 8 January 2019 meeting: Florian Walchak distributed a draft of the minutes on 13 January 2019 prior to the meeting for review/changes/comments. Susan Wells moved to approve the amended minutes of the last Board meeting as revised per comments; Pat LeRoy seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous.

Treasurer report: A Treasurer’s report was presented by Pat LeRoy. The balance in the General Account is $38,755.36. The Winter Account has a balance of $3,318.11 and the Reserve Account has a balance of $4,000. Approximately $3,000 has been spent so far for the 2018/2019 winter snow removal season. This includes $680 for services in 2018.  Income to date from the 2019 Annual Assessment is $16,816.33. Income from liens is $964.91. Year to date expenses have been $1,200 for Goff Engineering, $400 for the grant writer, and $2,223 for snow removal for a total of $3,823.

 PRRLOA income for 2018 was $54,822.51. Total expenses for 2018 were $60,205.92.  

Pat LeRoy noted that she moved the Association’s primary checking account was from a conventional business account to a money market checking account where the interest is higher. The account requires a $500 minimum balance which is not an issue for the Association.

Jim Clay suggested a transfer of $2,500 from the general account to the winter account to ensure adequate funds for snow removal for the rest of the year. This money was in the carryover line item from the 2018 budget.

Susan Wells moved to approve the funds transfer; Pat LeRoy seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous.

Florian Walchak moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report; Susan Wells seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous.

Invoices to be paid: Pat LeRoy submitted the following invoices for payment:

Neil’s Excavation (snow removal) – $1,120

Danielle Coronado (grant writing) – $2,000

Pat LeRoy (office and administrative supplies) – $71.80

Florian Walchak moved to approve payment of the invoices; Susan Wells seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous. (Noted in the presentation was an invoice from Goff Engineering for $1,200 that might be a duplicate billing. Pat LeRoy will resolve.)

Pat LeRoy also mentioned that our general liability insurance carrier (American Family Insurance) that a policy payment of $562 will be due in April.

Old Business:

Review of current liens: The owner of Lot 21 has paid off his lien. The owners of Lot 45 continue to pay down their lien in accordance with their payment plan. There is approximately $700 left to collect. Lot 87 has two liens attached for a total of $1,276. Lot 18 has a lien of $517 attached to it. These are relatively recent (2018) actions and are not close to reaching the statute of limitation time deadline.

Bridge Replacement: Richard Diedrich and Danielle Coronado gave an update to the bridge replacement status. Dannielle has submitted the grant application to FEMA, on-time and complete. We expect a decision sometime in May 2019. Danielle put together a complete information package for the PRRLOA records and archive. The package includes the actual grant application, the Benefit-Cost Analysis (the ratio of which came out to 1.62 and exceeded the threshold ratio of 1.0), the Engineering Report, photos, and miscellaneous documentation. This satisfied a request by the Board during its last meeting that a package documenting the application be assembled and delivered. The final figure for the grant was $1.1M.

Regarding communication with BP, Richard Diedrich, Jim Clay, and Florian Walchak met with BP Land Negotiator Miles Venzara on 24 January 2019. BP is amenable to our requested changes in easement dimensions and also the use of Lot 89 as an equipment and material staging area. What BP needs is a survey of the exact dimensions required for the easement and the specific size and position of the staging area. The Board will authorize a survey for these purposes this spring once the snow has melted and the survey can be conducted.

Pond access policy and guidelines: Florian Walchak and Jim Clay presented a draft Pond Access and Use Policy. After discussion and minor changes Susan Wells moved to accept the policy as amended; Pat LeRoy seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous. The Policy will be posted to the PRRLOA website and to the bulletin boards at the mailboxes.

End of the year mailing: An end of the year mailing will go out to all landowners by the end of February. It includes a statement of 2018 Income and expenses; a description of the Reserve Fund function, a 2019 Roster, and a Letter from the President. Florian and Pat will finalize the roster. Jim will sign off on his Chairman’s Letter this week. Pat LeRoy will take care of the actual mailing.

Good neighbor policy: Jim Clay presented a draft Motor Vehicle Use policy that consolidates motor vehicle related rules, regulations, and comments from all PRRLOA documents into a single, easy-to-read guideline. It also adds specific language regarding noise, racing, and the pulling sleds behind vehicles. After discussion Florian Walchak moved to accept the new motor vehicle guidelines; Susan Wells seconded the motion; the vote to approve was unanimous.

Jim Clay also presented a revised draft Good Neighbor Policy that reflects the updated motor vehicle guidelines, our recently updated fishing guidelines, and general recommendations by the PRRLOA Board. After discussion and some minor editorial changes Florian Walchak moved to accept the updated Good Neighbor Policy document. Pat LeRoy seconded the mtion. The vote to approve was unanimous.

Architecture/Design committee: No business was conducted during the past month.

New business:

Line of Credit: Florian Walchak contacted TBK Bank and the Bank of Colorado regarding a line for credit or bank loan to the Association regarding our portion of the funding for the FEMA grant. TBK Bank was not amenable since they are extending a line of credit to the Upper Pine River Fire Protection District for the same purpose and their lending policy seems to preclude us from borrowing with respect to the same FEMA grant.

The Bank of Colorado was open to discussions. Florian Walchak will make an appointment with Bank of Colorado Vice President Teri Simmons to discuss. We need to present financial statements for the past three years and any assessment(s) regarding the value of any land (e.g. the pond lot) the Association owns. Pat LeRoy will supply the documentation.

Jim Clay has contacted the U.S. Department of Agriculture regarding loans for non-profit entities involved with Rural Development projects. This is categorized as a Community Facility Loan. This might be an alternative to a regular bank loan or line-of-credit. We will continue to investigate.

Date for next meeting(s): Tuesday, 12 March 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at Pat LeRoy’s house. Tentative dates for additional future meeting are 9 April; 14 May; and 11 June. All are on a Tuesday. The Board set the date for the Annual Meeting on 20 July 2019.

Meeting adjourned: Move to adjourn meeting by Florian Walchak; seconded by Susan Wells; the vote to adjourn was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

These minutes were approved by a vote of _______ on ___________________________



Jim Clay, President                                                                                                                    Date


Florian Walchak, Secretary                                                                                                     Date