Minutes – Annual Budget Meeting – 8 October 2022




The meeting was called to order by President, Chip Burkett at 10:10 A.M.

Chip welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for attending. He explained that the main purpose of the meeting was to present the 2023 budget to the members for review.  According to our governing documents, the budget is accepted upon presentation, unless a member makes a motion to reject it as presented.  At that point, a vote would be required.  Chip announced that we have a quorum today.  Chip then said the 2023 budget was on the floor.  He reminded those present that a fee increase was voted on and approved at the annual meeting on July 9, 2022.  New fee amounts will be as follows: Full-time residents – $500.  Part-time residents-$400.  Vacant lots – $200.  He said it has been several years since the fees were raised and that has been due, in large part, to the many hours of several volunteers within the neighborhood.  John Dustin clarified that any member could choose to veto the budget.  No one spoke, so Chip declared the 2023 budget passed as presented.

Chip turned the floor over to Florian Walchak to give an up-date on the bridge replacement project.  Florian reported that the build package was 100% complete and had been submitted by KLJ to the UPRFD.  J.D. Burke, who has been the UPRFD Bridge Project manager has stepped down and has been replaced by Greg French.  The UPRFD is trying to get a consultant to come on board and also a construction manager, due to Greg French taking the position of Fire Chief and having a full plate of responsibilities.  KLJ, which is the engineering company and NOT the contractor, has submitted their best estimate of the final cost of the bridge as $1,219,000.00, which exceeds the FEMA grant of $1,100,000.00, by $119,000.00.  $90,000.00 has already been spent on the design package.  There is one more study needed, which we must pay for.  It is a wetlands study.  Florian said that Barbara Wickman has come on board to help.  She is pursuing the possibility of LaPlata County helping us with the cost and also some other options.  Florian said we had been worried that the time-line of the grant expired in April of 2023, but the lady they spoke with at the State FEMA office said the UPRFD could request a 1-yar extension and she saw no reason it would not be granted.  It has already been decided to pursue some other vendors for the build, who have not been given a chance to submit a bid.  Previously, we voted to commit to about $300,000.00 for the project and prices on everything have gone up significantly since then.  Carole Rominger asked if there were ever conversations around creating a special tax district to attain the needed monies.  Florian said it had be mentioned and that another option was applying for a USDA loan.  If we received a loan, the extra charges would be assessed with the annual homeowners’ fees.  Florian also stated that there were several complexities with a special tax district and it would cost the PRRLA extra monies.  Carole stated that she felt some of the residents would not be able to pay their share for the bridge.  Florian said there would be options available to help those people.  John Dustin asked what the status was on the Line-of Credit Loan we have at Bank of Colorado.  Florian said it was for one year and we will need to apply for an extension.  He will be checking into that.  Florian then stated that until we have the final $ number, we cannot proceed.  Chip said there is still too much we do not know.  There was lively discussion.  John Dustin moved for adjournment at 10:33 A.M.  Bob McLaughlin seconded and it was passed with a unanimous voice vote. 

These minutes were approved by a vote of _____________ on ____________________________________

              CHIP BURKETT, PRESIDENT                                                                                                          DATE


              JEANIE WIDNER, SECRETARY                                                                                                       DATE
