9/9/2010 Board Minutes

Pine River Ranches Landowners Association

Minutes of the September 9, 2010 Monthly Meeting

Clay Residence 580 Pine River Ranch Circle



  1. Director Jim Clay called meeting to order at 7:05 PM.  Board members in attendance: Jim Clay, Richard Diedrich, Margaret Christiansen, Pat LeRoy.  Guests present:  Glenn Watson, Pat Watson.
  2. The members of the Board reviewed the August 12, 2010 minutes.  Pat LeRoy motioned to accept the minutes as prepared. Richard Diedrich seconded the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.
    1. Pat LeRoy gave a Treasurer’s report and was pleased to announce everything is entered and once again up to date on the HOA computer’s database.  Pat went over the reconciliation report.  There was a beginning balance of $16,847.54. Checks clearing the account:  Upper Pine River Fire Department 150.00, Arrow Graphics and Signs 150.00, Nancy Young 117.78, Jim Clay 944.00, Richard Diedrich 109.29, Post Master 40.00 totaling $1,511.07.  August 2010 deposits totaling $7,496.70 making the current balance $22,833.17.


Pat LeRoy also presented a Trail Balance from 6/9/09 – 8/31/10.  There is a balance of $2,109.33 in the Winter Account and $22,833.17 in the General Account.  To date there as been $33,370.00 collected for the Special Road Assessment.  This amount includes additional money collected from eight landowners who paid more than the $350.00 ranging anywhere from $50 to $100 per lot.


Richard Diedrich motioned to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Dan Pope seconded the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.

4. Pat LeRoy presented outstanding invoices for payment:  Four Corners for $17.093.75, filing liens $88.00, mailing of lien notices $38.78.


Richard Diedrich motioned to approve the outstanding invoices.  Dan Pope seconded

the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.


Old Business

5. Jim Clay gave an update on the manner in which the repairs were made to the road following the discussion of the last Board meeting.  Following that discussion Jim had called Four Corners Material seeking to postpone repairs until after his return.  Jim was informed by Mike at Four Corner that a position on the calendar could not be guaranteed if the work was postponed.  Jim contacted Pat LeRoy who agreed to oversee the repairs.

Jim requested the approval for the purchase of Cold Patch material to be used for making repairs to certain areas likely to break down prematurely.

Dan Pope motioned to approve up to $100.00 for the purchase of Cold Patch material.  Richard Diedrich seconded the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.

6. Jim Clay reported on the in-operable vehicles remaining.  The Schaffer’s will be taking their vehicle at the end of the season when they leave.  The Goicoechea’s have yet to make arrangements for the removal of their vehicle. Dan Pope will discuss with Julio Goicoechea regarding his plan for the removal of his vehicle prior to the Board taking action.

7. Pat LeRoy brought the board up to date on the Liens filed against landowner’s delinquent in paying assessments.  On the Special Assessments: Liens were filed against Lots #38, 42, 45, 58, 59, 74, 84, 90.  Lot #44 was over looked in the process and a lien will be filed against this lot Monday if it continues to go unpaid.  Pat has heard nothing from the owners of Lots # H-1, H-2.  Liens filed for the Annual Assessments on Lots #36, 45, 58, 59.  No liens were filed for the Annual Assessment on Lot A, Pick Bar, Wommer Ranch.

Pat LeRoy will make phones calls and Dan Pope will follow-up with a letters to owners where appropriate.

8. Jim Clay gave an update regarding the property held by Deutsche Bank.  Deutsche Bank has given the instructions for the proper filing of paperwork in order to receive any back assessments.  Deutsche Bank will only pay up to six months prior to their possession of the property.

The Board discussed and agreed that a lien would be filed against Deutsche Bank.  Jim Clay will get all the necessary paperwork to Pat LeRoy for her to follow through with the filing.

9. Pat Watson shared her objection over what she felt was the Board’s lack of formal procedure prior to filing a lien against her property.  The Board discussed with Pat that if she were to pay the $350.00 the lien could be withdrawn with no penalties or fees.

Dan Pope motioned to accept Pat Watson’s payment of $350.00 within 10 days and the lien would be withdrawn.  Margaret Christiansen seconded the motion.   Pat Watson asked that the motion would state she not be charged for penalties or fees.

Dan Pope amended the motion to state that the board would accept Pat Watson’s $350.00 payment within 10 days and the lien would be withdrawn with no penalties or fees to Pat.  Margaret Christiansen seconded the motion.  Motion approved 4/1.

Jim Clay will follow up with a formal letter to Pat Watson stating the Board’s action and Pat’s agreement to said actions.

10. Pat LeRoy brought the Board up-to-date on the use of a Gateway computer borrowed from Dan Pope for the use of Board business and possible purchase of this computer.  Dan agreed to sell the computer for $200.00.  Pat LeRoy agreed to purchase, as a donation for Board business, this Gateway computer for $200.00.  Pat will personally write a check to Dan.

New Business

11. Jim Clay discussed the road impact fee owed by Sandra Pratt for an approved building permit.  A road impact fee was not levied at the time the project was aproved, as the project cost was not known at the time of the approval.  The project will take place in two phases with two building permits.  The first phase will be the foundation and the second phase will be the structure.  The plans have been submitted for the foundation and a road impact fee of $82.64 will be assessed.

12. Jim Clay presented design plans on behalf of Mark Webber for an addition to the Webber home.  The Board viewed the plans.  At this time Mark does not have a final approval from the county or a final cost estimate.  Dan Pope questioned whether or not the Board should approve plans prior to County approval.

Dan Pope motioned for the Board to mail a letter, from the Board President, to Mark Webber stating the plans have been reviewed, that nothing objectionable was noted but that the Board will wait for final approval of the plans from the County before the Board gives their final approval.  Pat LeRoy seconded the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.

13. Jim Clay discussed the Fall Letter, which includes copies of the Annual Minutes.  There was discussion to whether or not hard copies need to be mailed to all owners.  Dan Pope suggested the Board obtain emails from those willing to submit them.  The Board could then state their intent to email reports unless notice was given in writing that they want a hard copy.  Pat LeRoy suggested sending hard copies of the report with the Fall Letter along with a letter asking for owners to update all contact information as well as indicate how they would prefer to receive communications from the Board of Directors.

Jim Clay will also include the current information he has on an updated mailing list for landowners.

14. Richard Diedrich presented and discussed a proposed policy concerning the use of motorized vehicles within the subdivision.  Richard discussed the re-occurring problems of trespassing as well as destruction and excess speed.  The purpose of the proposed policy is not to forbid the use of motorized vehicles, rather ensure responsible and legal use within the subdivision.  Richard proposed including this policy in the Annual mailing to all landowners as well as distribute it to all new comers to the subdivision ensuring everyone is well informed of the permitted use of motorized vehicles.  The Board discussed the possibilities of physically posting regulations, as well as mailing to all owners, the proposed policy of the Use of Motorized Vehicles asking for feedback.


The Board agreed to include this proposed policy in the fall mailing, presenting is as a suggested addition to the HOA policies contingent upon a vote of approval at the 2011 HOA annual meeting.

15. Richard Diedrich expressed his concerns regarding the appearance of various lots within the subdivision and the owner’s responsibility to maintain an acceptable level of said appearance.  The Board discussed what its responsibility is for enforcing some type of mechanism for notifying owners.  Pat LeRoy read #16 of the CC&R’s:  No rubbish, trash, or other unsightly material shall be maintained on the property.  No materials shall be stored on the property except construction materials intended for use upon the lot upon which the same are store, or materials which are neatly stacked or properly covered or in an enclosed building.


Dan Pope first suggested the personal approach offering landowners help where help was needed and wanted in cleaning up unsightly lots. Dan also suggested the Board send letters, when and where appropriate, to landowners stating the Board has observed the need for maintenance on their property and informing the landowner of their violation of #16 of the CC&R’s.


Jim Clay will follow up with a gentle letter to landowners regarding the need for maintenance on their property.

16. Pat Watson addressed the Board regarding her dissatisfaction with the manner in which the previous Board handled the Special Assessments.  Pat felt it was handled incorrectly and thought prior approval by owners was needed.  Pat felt the two-week notice for payment was inappropriate and that it should have been 30 days.  Pat requested hard copies of the April 15 & 19 Board minutes.


Next Board meeting, October 14th, 7 PM at 18 Pine River Ranch Circle.


Margaret Christiansen motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Richard Diedrich seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned at 9:10 PM.


These minutes were approved by the Board by a vote of ________ on _______________.




Board President                                                                      Date



Board Secretary                                                                      Date