8/9/2016 Board Minutes



18 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO  81122


The meeting was called to order by President Jim Clay at 7:00 p.m.  Board members present:  Jim Clay, John Dustin, Angie Pommier, Waterman Ormsby, 111, and Pat Le Roy.  Guest present:  Richard Young, Richard Benzie, and Chris Kaufmann.


Annual Meeting Minutes –  These were emailed to Board Members for additions and/or corrections.  After corrections were made, the Annual Meeting Minutes were emailed to landowners who had given permission for PRRLOA information to be emailed to them.  The remaining landowners received the minutes by U. S. Postal Service.


Monthly Meeting Minutes July 13, 2016 – These minutes were emailed to all Board members for additions and/or corrections.  After corrections were made, the minutes were posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  Motion to approve minutes by John Dustin, second by Waterman Ormsby 111.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Treasurer’s Report –  Pat Le Roy submitted the following report:  Income;  Goicoechea $50.00 ; Abdallah- Boehm $160.00;  Bank Credit $14.00;  Walker impact fee$2400.00.  Expenses:  Back Porch BBQ $89.10;  Fish Fund $1000.00.  Lien total to date: $6019.19.  General Account Balance $24,551.73.  Winter Account Balance $3,876.61.  Motion to approve by Waterman Ormsby 111, second by John Dustin.  Vote to approve unanimous.


Invoices for Payment –  Pat Le Roy submitted invoices for stamps, certified mail costs, and fax fees for a total of $71.48.  Motion to approve by John Dustin, second by Waterman Ormsby 111.  Vote to approve was unanimous.




Road Work, culvert – John Dustin will contact Jerry Lucas at CRG for a date for road work and the culvert replacement on Ludwig Drive.  John Salsbury will be contacted to see if the dirt from the culverts may be dumped on his property.


Bridge Work – John Dustin will contact Click for a bid to add more material to the abutments where needed.


Dust Abatement –  Pat Le Roy contact Pamela Tuttle at Desert Mountain regarding a second application of DP50 to the gravel roads this year.  Pamela’s recommendation was a meeting with  board members, evaluate the condition of the road, and discuss some options.  Waterman Ormsby 111 and Jim Clay offered to meet with her, with John Dustin and Pat Le Roy as backups if needed.  Pat Le Roy will contact Pamela to set up a date for this to happen.


Letter to Sandra Pratt and Richard Young –  John Dustin was asked to draft a letter to Sandra Pratt and Richard Young acknowledging their voluntarily fencing of  their solar array to block views from the street and the east side.  This draft was emailed to all Board members for comments, revisions  and approval.   A letter was subsequently mailed by certified by to Sandra Pratt and Richard Young.  During the time between the annual meeting and tonight’s meeting, all sides have been fenced as requested in the letter.  John Dustin moved the former letter be rescinded.  There was no second.  Richard Young questioned the need for the letter, why it was sent, what good did it do at this point and other views. Richard Benzie also expressed his opinion regarding the letter.  John Dustin attempted to answer these questions.  Pat Le Roy attempted to relate her recollection of her conversation with Sandra Pratt to which Richard Young responded with an derogatory remark direct at Pat Le Roy.  Pat Le Roy moved that a recess be granted for 5 minutes so all parties could cool off.  After 5 minutes the meeting was called to order by President Jim Clay who indicated that Pat LeRoy had the floor.  After her remarks, Richard Young said “I should not have said that.”  Waterman Ormsby 111 said that at this point we should move forward and put this issue behind us.  Compliance regarding the fence has been met.


Solar Policy –  The policy was elevated to By-law status at the Annual Meeting.  Landowners also asked that a more defined policy be written for the CC&Rs.  John Dustin has drafted a policy as a place to start.  (See attached)  The draft of the solar policy will be mailed or emailed to all landowners for their input.  All are encouraged to participate in this effort.  A draft will be presented at the 2017 Annual meeting.  Richard Young shared that there is an article in the recent LPEA magazine will valuable information concerning solar.




Solar Panels – Steve Harris has requested approval of solar panels for his garage.  No details were included with his request.  The Board will request more information before addressing his request for approval.


Fishing the River –  A landowner reported that a person whom he did not know walked across his patio to access the river for fishing.  He has asked that the information in CC&R paragraph 21 be posted at the mailboxes.


CC&Rs Review –  With the Solar Policy being elevated to a CC&R, the Board feels that reviewing all of the CC&Rs would be beneficial.  Jim Clay will serve as the Board liaison.  Several names were offered as possible committee members and will be contacted by Jim Clay.


Trash dumping – Many landowners voiced their concern about additional trash being dumped on Lot 21.  John Dustin talked with Shane French and his explanation was that he was planning to use the lumber to build a dog house and remaining for fire wood.  The debris pile had other trash mixed with it.  If the wood is for firewood, it is not a problem if neatly stacked.  It is a violation to use the property as an industrial transfer site when the area is zoned as single family residence.  Angie Pommier voiced her concerns that the trash that was burned will affect the quality of the water.  Chris Kaufmann said that Tom Kaufman from the Upper Pine River Fire Department had contacted him, and that other government agencies were involved.  Waterman Ormsby 111 moved that a violation letter be sent by certified mail, second by Angie Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  Pat Le Roy will draft a letter and send it to all Board Members for comments, additions, and approval prior to mailing.


Computer Check up –  Pat Le Roy reported that the HOA computer has stopped receiving emails.  She does receive emails on  her phone and is able to answer all emails.  There have been ongoing problems with Quickbooks that need to be addressed.


New Owner Lot 8 –  Larry Job is the new owner.  He plans to begin construction on a home in the spring.  His contact information will be added to the Roster.  A new roster will be mailed in the fall.


Next Meeting – September 13, 2016 at the Le Roy residence.


Meeting Adjourned – John Dustin moved that the meeting be adjourned, second by Angie Pommier.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.



These minutes were approved by a vote of  ________ on__________.



PRESIDENT – JIM CLAY                                                     DATE



SECRETARY – PAT LE ROY                                               DATE