4/11/2017 Board Minutes





The meeting was called to order by Vice President John Dustin at 7:13 p.m.


Board members present:  John Dustin, Angie Pommier, and Pat Le Roy.  Jim Clay and Waterman

Ormsby lll were absent.


Guest: Judy Clarke


Design Review:


Dean and Susan Wells submitted the site plan for the septic system and well prior to the meeting to Pat Le Roy.  After reviewing the site plan, Pat Le Roy moved that the site plan be approved, second by Angie Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Angie Pommier submitted plans for a guest house and attached garage.  The guest house exceeds the minimum square footage.  Finishes and roof will be similar to the main residence.  Angie Pommier excused herself from any discussion except to answer questions.  Pat Le Roy moved that the plans be approved, second by John Dustin.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Larry Job’s site plan was mailed to Pat Le Roy.  After reviewing the site plan, Angie Pommier moved that the site plan be approved, second by Pat Le Roy.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Minutes from the February 15, 2017 meeting were emailed to all members for additions/corrections.  After corrections were made, the minutes were posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  Pat moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, second by Angie Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Minutes from the March 7, 2017 meeting were emailed to all  members for additions/corrections.  After minor corrections were made, the minutes were posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  Pat moved to approve the minutes, second by Angie Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Treasurer Report:


The balance in the Winter Account is $6167.89.  $4000.00 was transferred to the Winter Account from the General Account.  The balance in the General Account is $46995.57.  All checks written cleared:  $4000.00 transfer to the Winter Account, $125.00 to the attorney for meeting with Pat Le Roy prior to the CC&R committee’s first meeting.  Deposits for the 2017 Annual Assessment totaled $$3928.00; interest earned $1.95.  Angie Pommier moved that the Treasurer report be approved, second by Pat Le Roy.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Invoices for payment:


Pat Le Roy submitted the following invoices for payment:


Winter Account:  Neils, snow removal, $160.00;  CRG, gravel and grading $1288.50.


General Account: American Family Insurance $687.00;  Goldman, Robbins, Nicholson and Mack $1725.00 CC&R committee questions concerning revision of ByLaws;  Pat Le Roy $104.00 stamps, copy card, filing Colorado State report.  Pat Le Roy moved that the invoices be approved for payment, second by Angie Pommier.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


2017 Annual Assessments:  $30406.00 has been collected to date.  Balance of unpaid assessments is $3467.00 with eleven (11)  landowners who have either not paid the 2017 Annual Assessment or have paid a portion of the assessment due.  At this time liens will not be filed due to the pending litigation.




Gwen Gold Lot 75 Request:  Gwen Gold sent an email to Pat Le Roy regarding moving her RV onto her lot in May 2017.  The Board discussed the issue and determined that CC&R 14 ( c) and (b) are applicable.  Pat Le Roy will draft a letter in response to the email and sent the letter via email to the other Board members for their additions and/or corrections prior to mailing the letter to Gwen Gold.


Dust Abatement:  The application will be applied Wednesday April 12, 2017.  Pat Le Roy requested that if Desert Mt. submits its invoice at the end of Wednesday, would the Board consider payment at that time as long as it is for the amount quoted in the bid?  Angie Pommier moved that the invoice be paid if payment is requested on Wednesday, second by Pat Le Roy.  Motion was approved unanimous vote.


Asphalt Road –  Approximately $11000.00 was included in the budget for asphalt road work.  John Dustin has the remaining bags of asphalt patch to do the potholes.  Jim Clay has several  estimates from various companies and will follow up once he returns from vacation.  John Dustin suggested that we look into a sealant product and secure a crew to apply it.


Mailboxes –  Pat Le Roy was able to secure a free used mailbox cluster and pedestal in good shape from the Post Office.  Plans for installation were also obtained from the Post Office.  A volunteer crew headed by John Dustin will do the installation.


Violations;  Previous violations have either been abated or are a work in progress.  One remains unresolved.  The Landowner has offered to cover the trash pile with a tarp but that has not happened.  The State of Colorado Solid Waste department is involved.  The Board feels it needs to wait until the State has issued their report to decide the next move.


John Dustin presented a memo outlining the Board’s policy and process for addressing violations.  After reviewing the proposed document,  Pat Le Roy moved that the document be included in the Policy and Procedures, second by Angie Pommier.  Motion was approved unanimously.  Pat Le Roy will have it posted to the website and at the mailboxes.


Discussion – Possible fines for violations.  The Board reviewed the possible fines associated with the severity of the violation.  The entire Board has not had an opportunity to discuss this matter.  Pat Le Roy stated that a fine or penalty already exists for the violation of nonpayment of the Annual Assessment.  A 25% penalty (fine) of the assessment is calculated  as part of the lien which is filed against the property.  See CC&R # 24 and By Law 3.8 (b).  The Association’s attorney has said that without a reasonable system of fines (penalty) there are no consequences for violations except legal action which can be expensive.


Internet update – there is nothing to report at this time.


CC&R Committee –  The committee meets regularly and has consulted with the attorney for clarifications regarding the By Laws.  To date they have not tackled the CC&Rs.


Waste Management – There is nothing new at this time.




Notice to File a Lien – Pat Le Roy notified the Board that there are prior liens filed which now require a new lien for additional year’s interest, file fees, and mailing costs.  These liens will be filed the end of April.


Annual Meeting – Date July 15, 2017 location to be determined.  Pat Le Roy made the point that with such long agenda and the voting for changes to the By Laws that perhaps an early start would be appropriate.  John Dustin moved that the meeting begin at 9:00 a.m. second by Angie Pommier.  Motion was approved  unanimously.


Next Meeting – May 9, 2017 at the Le Roy residence.


Motion to adjourn by Pat Le Roy, second by Angie Pommier.  Vote to adjourn unanimous.  Meeting adjourned at 8:46p.m.


These minutes were approved on ____________by a vote of__________________.





Vice President John Dustin                                        Date




Secretary Pat Le Roy                                                  Date