2018 Annual Meeting Notice

Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

Our next Annual Meeting will be Saturday, JULY 7, 2018, starting at 9:00am.  

Location: 580 Pine River Ranch Circle. This is an extremely important meeting, maybe the most important in the 16 years I have lived here!  PLEASE, PLEASE COME! 

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please fill out, sign, and date the proxy which is needed to establish a quorum at the meeting Please include your voting instructions for the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. Please be sure to sign the proxy. It may be Faxed to the phone number on the proxy itself or a signed copy may be emailed to the address noted on the proxy. You may also mail your proxy to PRRLOA, P.O. Box 602, Bayfield, CO 81122. Your Official Ballot to vote to either Approve or Disapprove the Amended and Restated CC&R’s may be mailed, faxed, emailed, or hand delivered to either myself or Pat LeRoy. This Official Ballot must be signed and dated. 

Many have asked about the lawsuit. It is settled. There is not much I’m allowed to say, but I can say our insurance company provided excellent legal counsel. There was no financial expense to the Board or membership. We have received our premium from the insurance company for the next year and there is no increase in premium. 

Massive changes in Colorado Law (CCIOA) relating to the governance of homeowner associations have gone into effect over the last few years. This has required us to revise our CC&R’s, Bylaws, and Policies and Procedures to be compliant with current state law and to be internally consistent from one document to the next.  We have had a Committee on the Revision of the CC&R’s and Bylaws working over the past two years to make sure our documents are consistent with Colorado State law (CCIOA). Their work has been reviewed by both the Board and our attorney. Each document will be presented to you for discussion at our Annual Meeting. Ballots for voting on the CC&R’s will be collected. Approval will require an affirmative written vote of over 50% of all lot owners. The Bylaws can be approved by a majority vote of the lot owners at the Annual Meeting. Policies and Procedures as well as Rules Regulations and Guidelines will be open for discussion. They are approved at the Board level but can be vetoed by the membership at the annual meeting. Copies of all are attached, and I encourage you to read each one carefully before our meeting on July 7th. 

As you probably know from our separate emailing, our bridge is in sad shape and needs to be replaced soon. Richard Diedrich has been working with the Fire Department to strategize plans for filing a grant application to fund most but not all of the cost of replacing the bridge.  At the Annual Meeting we will have a full discussion of the recent bridge report, grant options, methods of building a new bridge while still maintaining traffic flow into and out of our subdivision, projected costs, and ways the subdivision can pay/finance this large project .UNTIL THE BRIDGE IS REPLACED IT IS SPECIALLY CRITICAL THAT ALL DRIVERS OBEY THE SPEED LIMIT SIGNS (10 mph while approaching) AND (5mph while on the bridge) .WHEW, see why this is a very important meeting to attend? 

The attorney has recommended that Paragraph #22 of the CC&Rs be added to the Articles of Incorporation: “No one acting in his or her capacity as a Board of Directors member or Committee member shall be individually liable for acts or decisions or results thereof made in that capacity and within the parameters of these Covenants, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, Rules Regulations and Guidelines for any cost incurred.”  Discussion of the recommendation and the vote to approve or disapprove will be held at the Annual Meeting. 

Some of the other items we will cover include: voting for directors to Board; selecting a third member to the architectural review committee; draft budget for next year; road projects yet this year; possible amendment to the 2018 budget for dust abatement; high speed internet access; and fish fund donations. 

Following the meeting their will be a potluck dinner at my home, 580 Pine River Ranch Circle. Hope you can all stay for the time for food and fellowship. The Board will be providing the hamburgers, hot dogs and condiments.  Bring your beverage of choice and a side dish, a dessert, or salad to share. Also bring your own favorite lawn chair if convenient. 




Jim Clay 

President, PRRLOA  

  1. Fish(Rainbow and Brook trout)are scheduled to be stocked in the pond and river on June 13th. Any donations to support this ongoing endeavor are much appreciated. The more we collect the more we can stock.