2012 Annual Meeting Minutes



Jim and Cheryl Clay residence – 580 Pine River Ranch Circle, Bayfield, CO 81122


The Annual Meeting of the Pine River Ranches Landowners Association, Inc. was called to order at 10.55 by President Jim Clay.  There was not a quorum.  Shane French moved that the Annual Meeting be adjourned; second by John Dustin.  The vote to adjourn was unanimous.


President Jim Clay called the business meeting to order at 11:05.  42 lots were represented in person or by proxy.  As we had more than 40% of the membership represented, the By-Laws allowed us to conduct all business as originally notified.


Jim Clay made some opening remarks:

Vegetation along the lane needs to be dealt wit in the next few years.

The culvert along the lane has rocks in it which need to be removed.  Volunteers will help.

The pond at the junction of Lugwig and Pine River Ranch Cr. needs additional fill to stabilize

the edge.

The bridge is doing well. Some of the bolts have popped due to heavy equipment used by BP.

BP has been notified of the problem.  Video has made of the problem.

Asphalt road had minimum money spent to repair potholes.  The Board has received a

bid for $9291.00 to do 1.5 inches overlay approximately 300ft.   600 ft of road needs attention.

Shane French and Jim Clay have spread the patching material.  6 bags were stolen from the


Parking area for parents either dropping off or picking up their children from the school bus

drop off area was discussed.  The Board will approach the ranch to the south providing land for a

parking area that does not impede other traffic.

Signs have been vandalized on the roads and at the pond.


Minutes from the 2011 Annual Meeting were mailed to all Landowners; posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  There were no additions or corrections to the minutes.  Glen Watson moved that the minutes be approved; second by O. D. Perry.  The motion to approve the minutes was unanimous.


Pat LeRoy presented the Treasurer’s report.  The Winter Account Balance is $4354.14.  The General Account balance is $19017.47.  There are no invoices to pay.  Glen Watson moved that the Treasurer’s Report be approved; second by Sandra Pratt.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


The dust abatement product DP50 was applied to the gravel road from the bridge to the intersection of Ludwig Drive and Pine River Ranch Circle as a test instead of doing the entire gravel road.  The test section proved to be effective and was well received.  To complete the job with the DP 50 product and do the necessary road work with 40 truck loads of gravel, and grading during the application will $29000.00.

Shane French moved that a Special Assessment of $240.00 per lot plus $5000.00 from the general funds be approved to do the dust abatement/ road preparation/grading. Second by Richard Diedrich.


Jim Clay called for discussion.  Many opinions both pro and con were offered.  Jim Clay called the question.  John Dustin moved that the proposal for a Special Assessment of $240.00 per lot and $5000.00 from the general funds for the necessary road work and the application of DP50 be accepted.  A ballot was distributed to all landowners, one vote per lot.  Result:  Yes 34; No 8.  The motion was approved.




Asphalt Road – There are funds – approximately $9500.00 – available to do some work but not all of the areas needing attention.  There are 18 bags of patching material – the product that has been used during this year to do potholes.  The bid is for $9192.00 for 330ft of 1.5 inches overlay.  There are two areas needing attention, each about 330ft.  After discussing the issue, most were in agreement that the area from the bridge near the mailboxes to the first left turn/corner on the lane be addressed with the overlay.  The other areas will receive the patching material.  The new Board of Directors will need to put this out for bids (the current bid was good for April/May) before a final decision may be made.


Election of Board of Directors – The following board members have indicated that they will be able to serve another term:  Shane French, Richard Young, and Pat LeRoy.  There were two nominations from the floor:  Mark Pommier and Richard Benzi.   John Dustin moved that nominations be closed; motion seconded.  The motion to elect these nominees by acclamation was approved unanimously.  The Board of Directors and the newly elected directors will meet after the annual meeting to set a time for a transition meeting.


Jim Clay thanked all who contributed to the Fish Fund.  Both the river and pond have been stocked.  All costs are offset by donations to the Fish Fund and no Association funds are used.


There were several landowners from Subdivision 1 who attended the meeting and were invited to stay for the picnic lunch to follow immediately after the annual meeting is adjourned.


Prior to the meeting, several guest speakers were present:  Chief Evans, Upper Pine River Fire Department;  Bruce Short, Fire Mitigation planner; and Steve Drexel, Desert Mountain, dust abatement product DP 50.  Their comments will be addressed in the letter to all landowners.


John Dustin moved for adjournment, second by Stephanie McCain.  Vote to adjourn the meeting at 12:05p.m. was unanimous.



President, Shane French                                                         Date



Secretary, Pat LeRoy                                                              Date