12/5/2017 Board Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Clay at 7:10 p.m.

Board members present:  Jim Clay, John Dustin, Waterman Ormsby lll, and Pat Le Roy.  Rob McLaughlin was absent.

No guests were present.

The minutes of the November 7, 2017, monthly meeting were distributed to all board members for additions and/or corrections.  There was a minor correction made to the minutes.  The corrected minutes were again distributed to the board members and there being no further corrections, the minutes were posted at the mailboxes and on the website.  John Dustin moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  The vote to approve was unanimous.

Treasurer report was presented by Pat Le Roy.  The General Account balance as of today is $22435.57.  All checks written have cleared:  Jim Clay $24.85, $86.28; Goldman, Robbins, Nicholson and Mack $500.00.  One deposit for interest earned $.93.  The Winter Account balance is $4510.95 with one deposit for interest earned $.19.

Invoices to be paid –  Pat Le Roy submitted an invoice from Goldman, Robbins, Nicholson, and Mack for $850.00 for legal advice with regards to the handling of the 2018 Budget Meeting held October 7, 2017.  All corresponding emails were emailed to all board members.  Jim Clay called for discussion.  There were no questions or further discussion.  John Dustin moved that this invoice be approved for payment, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.

2017 Annual Assessment – Outstanding invoices – Pat Le Roy mailed the outstanding invoices on November 13, 2017.  There were no responses.  Notices to File a Lien will be mailed in January 2018.


Bridge – There is no update at this time.  Richard Diedrich will meet with the Fire Department in January 2018.

CC&R Committee – Jim Clay suggested that Pat Le Roy replace him on the committee.  The board members present agreed to this suggestion.  The committee members are:  Chip Burkett, Angela Diedrich, Vicky Mullins, John Dustin and Pat Le Roy.  The Board will suggest that a non-board member chair the committee.

Design Committee – Jim Clay reported that the plans submitted by Will Nowell Lot 11, and Dean Wells Lot 27 were approved as submitted.  The committee met by phone and emails were exchanged during the approval process.

Impact Fees – The Impact fee will be assessed when the building permits are issued.  Jim Clay is going to meet with the Planning Department to determine the method used to determine the building permit fee.  This  information is necessary to calculate the  impact fees.

Asphalt Road – Rock material for side of road – Action will be taken in the spring.

Letter for violation – At the November 7, 2017 monthly meeting the Board signed a courtesy letter sent to Shane and Annette French regarding the covering on the debris piles.  The letter suggested ways to hold down the tarps when the wind blows.  Several neighbors offered to supply rocks to secure the tarps.  The Board is aware that during the last several days, Shane French has removed the debris from his property.  Pat Le Roy will draft a letter thanking them for their cooperation and that the issue has been abated.  The drafted letter will be emailed to all board members for additions and/or corrections prior to being mailed to Shane and Annette French.

Possible Fines for Violations – John Dustin and Pat Le Roy have worked on this for several months with input from other board members.  Waterman Ormsby lll offered to research how other HOAs have dealt with fines for violations.  He will report back to the Board at the next meeting.

Gwen Gold RV – The Board reviewed the different options available to Gwen Gold.  A letter was drafted stating the two options.  The drafted letter was presented at the meeting for review.  John Dustin moved that the letter as presented be mailed to Gwen Gold, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  The Board then signed the letter.

NEW BUSINESS – Pat Le Roy processed the invoices for the 2018 Annual Assessment.  Those with email addresses were sent December 1, 2017.  Invoices without email addresses were hand delivered to the Bayfield Post Office December 1, 2017.

The Board discussed how well the road from the bridge to the intersection of Ludwig Drive and Pine River Ranch Circle has held up since Rob McLaughlin graded the road using the HOA’s road maintainer.  No new material was brought in.  Rob worked several hours on the grading.  John Dustin moved that the Board reimburse Rob $10.00 for the cost of diesel fuel, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  A thank you note will be included with the check.

Date for the next meeting – January 10, 2018, 7:00 p.m. at the Le Roy Residence

John Dustin moved that the meeting be adjourned, second by Waterman Ormsby lll.  Vote to adjourn was unanimous.  Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.

These minutes were approved by a vote of___________ on ______________.



Jim Clay, President                                                                              Date


Pat Le Roy, Secretary/Treasurer                                                         Date