11/15/2016 Board Minutes





The meeting was called to order by President Jim Clay at 7:01 p.m.


Board members present:  Jim Clay, John Dustin, Angie Pommier, Waterman Orsmby, III, and Pat Le Roy.


Guests:  Richard and Angie Diedrich and Gwen Gold, new owner Lot 75.


Gwen Gold asked the Board to review and approve her plans for an circular road, foundation for a barn and the installation of the septic system and a cistern.  The barn will be a drive thru with 2100 sq. feet, 4 stalls, ½ closed for storage, ½ open for hay.  Siding will be metal in a dark brown color.  Roof to be gable pitched.  The site plan shows that the road will utilize the culvert already installed and will install an additional culver where the circular road exits.  The septic will be set back 20 ft. from the road. The house will be constructed of logs and is approximately 840 sq. ft.  The roof will be gabled pitch with the same metal and color as the barn. The stain on the home will be matched as closely as possible to the metal siding color.  John Dustin moved that approval be granted for the site work, new culvert to be minimum of 12 – 14 “ in diameter, road construction work, construction of the barn foundation, installation of the septic and cistern below grade level, and grading of the driveway/road to run water into the ditch.  Second by Waterman Orsmby, III.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Gwen had several questions regarding burn permits, access to mailboxes, annual assessment, and putting a canoe at the pond.  She will be in contact with either John Dustin or Pat Le Roy.


The minutes from September13, 2016 were emailed to all board members for additions and/or corrections.  After the minutes were corrected they were posted on the website and at the mailboxes.  John Dustin moved that the minutes be approved as corrected, second by Waterman Orsmby, 111.  Vote to approve was unanimous.


Pat Le Roy presented the Treasurer’s Report:  General Account balance $25004.38;  Winter Account balance $3877.10.  Invoices to be paid:  CRG culvert installation, pond road work, ditch cleaning near new culvert on Ludwig – $3516.96;  Pat Le Roy  $456.00 -stamps, release of liens, replacement of garland ($358 was paid by the insurance company for claim submitted for damaged garland).  John Dustin moved that the Treasurer report be approved as presented and the invoices be paid, second by Waterman Orsmby, III.  Vote to approve was unanimous.  Current balance of liens filed is $5570.11.




Culvert on Ludwig has been installed and road base added to the pond road.  Ditches will be cleaned next spring.


Bridge work –  adding more rocks to the abutments is not urgent at this time.


Solar Panels – Steve Harris has not contacted the board.  Jim Clay had talked with him.


Computer storage –  Mark Gigliotti has offered to work with Pat Le Roy to determine which documents should be scanned and stored .  He is donating his time and equipment to do this.


Asphalt Road repair – Angie Pommier had contacted several companies with no response.  Several companies that had not been contacted were suggested.  She will follow up and report back at the  next meeting.


Violation letters – An additional violation letter was mailed to Shane French and returned unopened.  A violation letter was mailed to Kris Kaufmann concerning a storage container and that has been resolved.  The Board appreciates his response to the letter.


There was some discussion about how to resolve the issue with Shane French.  There is concern that the material dumped on his property may contaminate the water supply.  Pat Le Roy has not had an update from the State of Colorado or the Fire Dept.   She will contact the Fire Dept. and the County Code Enforcement Officer and report to the Board.

A suggestion was made that perhaps neighbors could offer to help Shane clean up and dispose of the debris.  Jim Clay offered to talk with Shane.


Four other violations were reported and the Board will notify the landowners by letter.




Snow Removal –  Neil’s Excavation submitted a bid which was in line with the prices quoted last year.  The Board had previously approved the bid if it stayed with the same prices.  The contract needs to be signed.


Review Form Letters – to be discussed at a later meeting.


Lien Payment – Pat Le Roy was given  permission to decide what works best for the landowner and the Board.


Budget 2017 Draft –


Pat Le Roy submitted the 2017 budget draft.  The budget was reviewed by line item and it became clear that there isn’t enough money to adequately maintain the gravel road and the asphalt road with the current assessments.  Jim Clay reminded the Board that at the annual meeting landowners voiced their concerns regarding the roads.  Some expressed the desire to have the dust abatement product applied twice a year.  One full strength application costs $18159.00 plus approximately $4500 to prep the road, and finish the dust abatement application to achieve the optimum result.  The last application of sealant on the asphalt road was done in 2012 and cost approximately $15000.00.  The road is showing signs of checking in some areas and needs to be addressed.  Angie Pommier stated that she could only support an increase in assessments if the money went to the roads and not to legal fees.  Other board members expressed their opinions.  John Dustin moved that the 2017 Annual Assessment be increased to $430 for fulltime residents, $344 for part-time residents, and $215 for unimproved lots, second by Waterman Ormsby, 111.  The vote to approve was unanimous.


Mailboxes – Pat Le Roy talked with the Post Office about adding more boxes.  The Post Office no longer installs or maintains the boxes.  Pat did a visual inspection and found that perhaps 2 boxes are available for new residents.  3 new homes will be built in 2017.


Road grading –  last year the board spent about $1000.00 grading the road before winter and feels that there was not much benefit considering the cost. Grading will be done at the same time as the dust abatement in the spring time.


Weeds – Pat Le Roy had talked with Rod Cook during the summer about the weeds.  At that time he indicated that a new  inspection would be made and the results sent to the Board.  Pat will follow up on this.


Garland on the Bridge – Pat Le Roy asked for help hanging the garland as Ken has had foot surgery and won’t be able to help this year.  Tentative plans are to hang the garland the first weekend in December weather permitting.  Jim Clay offered to help and John Dustin if available.


Mowing in Subdivision –  Larry Job, new landowner, will be building his home next spring and has offered to mow where needed.


2017 Annual Assessments will be mailed and/or emailed on December 1, 2016.


Next Meeting – December 13, 2016, Le Roy residence, 7:00 p.m.


Meeting adjourned 9:02 p.m.


These minutes were approved by a vote of __________on ________________________.



President Jim Clay                                                                  Date


________________________________________________________________________Secretary Pat Le Roy                                                                  Date